I looked at this Pistol about 1 month ago at a local gun shop. I was really impressed with the tightness of the slide to frame fit, barrel lock up and barrel to bushing fit. The pistol grip is nice and smoothly rounded unlike the SA Milspec( which I find uncomfortable and awkward kooking). It appears to be quite true to the original including the patent info on the slide. Well, I couldn't exactly afford a $998.00 retail(especially since I have a Rock River Arms 1911 on order) so I traded a Ruger Red Label Sporting Clays O/U Shotgun for it on tuesday. So far I am extremely happy with my newest pistol. The only complaint I have is that some of the edges are quite sharp and dehorning would be nice but I'm not going to carry it so it is not really an issue. I am going to the range today so I'll be able to post performance later tonight.