My Blade-Tech Experience.......

Justin Moore

New member
Received a new Blade-Tech IWB holster today to fit my HK USP 40 and I must say I am pretty impressed with the overall quality of the product! Retention is right about where I like it to be, and yet the gun is still easy to draw. My only gripe, which I guess is rather minor, is that there is a little bit of wobble present when you rock the butt of the gun back and forth paralell to the ground. Looks like the area around the trigger is a tad bit loose, so I was wondering if I could maybe adjust this myself with a heat gun or a hair dryer. Any thoughts on that would be appreciated.

Now, concerning Blade-Tech's customer service I would have to say its outstanding :) I only placed my order the 30th of June and it showed up today. Shortly after ordering the holster I decided to email them requesting a different size of J-Hook than the one I originally ordered. After not receiving a reply via email (apparently they were having some technical difficulties of some type) I decided to call them yesterday to see what was going on. They were very apologetic about the delay in shipping (to me ONE week is slight at best) and offered to send it out to me UPS Overnight at NO extra cost to me, as well as charging me dealer price for the holster :) Now if that isn't good customer service, then my name is William Jefferson Clinton :eek:

To sumarize, I wouldn't hesitate to order more products from them in the future, and I don't think anyone else here should either. Just one mans opinion thou :)

It is quite easy to modify Kydex with a heat gun but you should be very careful since Kydex tends to revert to its natural shape as you heat it.
It will attempt to become a flat sheet
It also tends to melt. so go slow and wear leather gloves.

I still ruin at least a holster a week

mike benedict
Talon Tactical Holsters
I recently (last month) aquired my BT IWB from Botach - Great price and a three day turn around!

I'm very pleased with the holster.