My best haul ever


New member
Today was cleanup day at the range where I shoot. The shooting range was closed and some people repaired target hangers, other picked up trash, or painted. I shoveled out the bullet trap. :D Got 5 assorted buckets of lead (very conservative estimate, 700 pounds, but it's probably more than that.) Another guy took about 100#, and we ran out of buckets at that point -- there's about 100# left in a pile in the front corner for whoever wants it (I may grab it next time I shoot indoors there.) Very few bullet jackets, this is mostly all lead with bits of rubber and paper mixed in.

They thanked me for cleaning up and hauling it away. ;)

All my clothes are in the washer right now, including the leather shoes. I'm glad I wore a dust mask because it was filthy. Now I'm trying to figure out how to unload the truck... I don't think I can lift the 5 gallon bucket out. The others are smaller, 3 cat litter buckets and a 2-gallon pail.
What does your bullet trap look like? At our range it is just a big dirt hill for a backstop.
That's what the outdoor backstop is. But there's also a small indoor range in the clubhouse basement. The trap has a half wall made out of heavy timbers in front, with metal target hangers a couple of feet behind that. Then heavy rubber "cow mats" hanging down that to stop some of the bullet splatter, and lastly a steel armor plate (from the old police range) a couple of feet behind that and tilted down at a 45 degree angle.

They used to have sand in the bottom, but that disappeared a few years ago when they cleaned it.

The lead piles up mostly at the bottom of steel plate and just needs to be pulled forward and shoveled out occasionally. I was amazed at how much lead there was; it didn't look like that much, but most of it was in the back where you don't see it. I don't know it if was cleaned last year or not.