My bad it was Germany


New member
The last thread got closed because of a snopes debunking where I said it was on the news Obama refused to visit wounded soldiers in Afghanistan. I was mistaken as I didn't hear the whole broadcast. It was Germany where he refused to visit wounded soldiers.
That is some selective reading and disconnected comprehension you have there if you get "refused to visit wounded soldiers" out of the facts presented.

This one should be closed to for being blatant mud slinging and propaganda.
This is a drive by post.

No commentary is provided, just a link, and a bitch about the fact that your last thread was closed.
This propaganda garbage is getting tiring. It really reflects poorly on this forum as a whole and shows why so many people see gun owners as rabid, brain dead, right wing a-holes.
I am going to have to agree with PBP. There are many reasons to dislike Obama, and many reasons not to vote for him. Why make crap up? He is such a target-rich environment already. Please argue the facts.

The Republican Party will lose if it bases its strategy on lies, deceit, and misrepresentation.
That is some selective reading and disconnected comprehension you have there if you get "refused to visit wounded soldiers" out of the facts presented.

he had planned to see the soldiers but didn't after he found out he couldn't have cameras. Instead he went to the gym. I don't see where I have selective reading or disconnected comprehension. Anybody else would have made time to see those soldiers.

This is a drive by post.

No commentary is provided, just a link, and a bitch about the fact that your last thread was closed.

I wasn't bitchin just stating a fact. Wasn't my thread that got closed but I think it was closed because of my comment.
he had planned to see the soldiers but didn't after he found out he couldn't have cameras. Instead he went to the gym. I don't see where I have selective reading or disconnected comprehension.
That's crap...he did not go because he was told it was not a good idea and would be inappropriate by the Pentagon. You do notice (or maybe you did not) that the Pentagon does not deny telling him this. They just said "we did not say he could not go."

Also, the Pentagon would not have banned cameras. That is a blatant lie in an ad on TV. Even they do not say it directly. The say "it seems" to cover there rears.

This type of stuff is disgusting and people that try this type of crap are going to be the reason Obama wins.
I'm sorry if it offends your liberal sensibilities. McCain always makes time to see wounded soldiers.
McCain always makes time to see wounded soldiers.
Really, where is McCain this week? Maybe he is anti-American because he is stateside. Maybe he refused to go overseas with Obama. Maybe we should start a thread that says "anti-American McCain thumbs nose at troops and stays stateside to campaign in a grocery store." :rolleyes:
Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said Obama would have been required to conform to the Defense Department prohibition of political activity, but that the senator was never told he couldn't visit the hospital.

Sounds to me like he was free to go visit the troops but he wouldnt get any political mileage out of it.
no matter what the reasons for not going, it still LOOKS bad and opens up the mud raking youre now seeing.
I despise obama's politics, but saying he "refused" to visit the troops is just dumb. Even if he opted not to visit because it would not gain him any publicity, its still not like he recieved an invitation and rudely rejected it, which is the way it is presented.

Argue against his policies, his inexperience, his questionable relationships with terrorists and racists. Taking his words out of context just gives him and his supporters another chance to appear to take the high road.
actually obama canceled his trip to visit the wounded cause mccaine was flipping out about it,saying obama was exploiting the wounded for good press coverage so he canceled.i hate to take his side but i also get sick of all the bitter lies.
What I read on Drudge was that the DOD told Obama's people in Germany that they could visit the wounded troops, but only in his capacity as a Senator and only with his staff.

No press corps. The DOD has rules regarding hospitals and "elections". You can't use a hospital to run for office.

Now, the way I see it, if he had gone to the hospital, the press would've commented on it. Would've mentioned his going there even if they weren't allowed in with him to take pictures.

I guess that wasn't enough.

As far as the Obama in Afghanistan thing I posted, my apologies. Never my intention to post inaccurate things. Nobody is served by that.
This type of stuff is disgusting and people that try this type of crap are going to be the reason Obama wins.

Playboy, you are totally out of touch with reality on this subject. John McCain's own campaign staff is helping to promote these charges about Obama treating our wounded troops so badly.

Here below is a link to the latest McCain press release that affirms that these allegations about Obama are true. Even the chief of the Trauma and Critical Care units at the hospital that Obama was supposed to have visited, has condemned Obama for his action.

His comments are highlighted in this brand new press release from McCain's campaign:

John McCain and his staff would not be spreading these stories about Obama, if they were not absolutely true.

McCain only engages in straight talk.

No commentary is provided, just a link, and a bitch about the fact that your last thread was closed.

No, he did provide a most valuable commentary. In it he corrects the factual error that was in the original post. He now corrects this, to properly showed that Obama's horrible insult to our troops took place in Germany. That is where the event happened.

Can you imagine how bad all of these poor, unfortunate wounded soldiers at Landstuhl hospital felt, when they learned Obama had abandoned them??

This act of abusing and mistreating these brave soldiers clearly shows the real kind of person that Obama is.

Even this morning's Wall Street Journal is calling Obama's act his "Iraq Fumble" This is certainly a legitimate political issue to discuss.

Here is a link to this brand new Wall Street Journal article about Obama:

I despise obama's politics, but saying he "refused" to visit the troops is just dumb. Even if he opted not to visit because it would not gain him any publicity, its still not like he recieved an invitation and rudely rejected it, which is the way it is presented.

I'm with you. I'm not voting for the guy, but I am tired of the mud slinging tactics that at best are mis-truths and worse out and out lies.

Here below is a link to the latest McCain press release that affirms that these allegations about Obama are true.....

His comments are highlighted in this brand new press release from McCain's campaign:

John McCain and his staff would not be spreading these stories about Obama, if they were not absolutely true.

Seriously? You want to use a press release issued by McCain as proof that McCain isn't lying?
In very sharp contrast to Obama's behavior, President Bush has visited a great many wounded American troops. My friend Mike Oreskovic and his family got to meet the President and Mrs. Bush, when they came to visit his son Michael Jr., while he was recovering at Walter Reed Army hospital from his wounds suffered in Iraq. Would Obama make similar trips like this if he became President???

Here is a photo of them all together:


That is my friend to the left of the President, and then his wife Georgann, his son, and the First Lady.

Here is a photo that I took of Mike one day while we were out varmint hunting together. He was amazed at how huge this rodent was:


Here is a photo of Michael Jr being comforted at the hospital by his sister Andrea:


And last, here is a photo of Michael Jr. taken in Iraq before he was wounded:


Michael Jr. is now a full time student at the University of Oregon.
