My Apologies!

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Staff In Memoriam
I apologize to every TFL member that I may have offended in the "aw shucks" thread! I do get a tad emotional when it comes to our freedoms and politics. I am admittedly not educated in the schoolin' sense but have always been a "news junkie" since 6 years old. I was but a wee lad when Jimmy carter got into office and seen first hand the damage done.
I am not a stuck in the rut republican voter. I am simply in hope of maintaining most of our freedoms as individuals and our independence as a nation.
I encourage everyone to vote for a legitimate candidate of their own choosin'.
Good luck America...
If people do not want to be offended they should probably not read the L&P section to begin with but it is sometimes helpful to read and re-read our posts there before letting them fly. Alot of times the point of valid, just the delivery needs work.

The very nature of political topics make them pretty offensive and some people will go out of their way to be offended no matter what you do. If you spent an entire political discussion curtseying and apologizing you would never get a point across but there is nothing wrong with trying to make a topic/response as non-offensive as possible without diluting it's meaning.

Believe it or not, even I have offended a person or two. :)
I have fired a post or two in the past on here, read it, and been like: 'Good Lord-a-Mercy, I can't believe I just said that!' So, I had to back hurried use of the 'Edit' button before my hot air became too public... :rolleyes:
No problem, hogdogs. We all get passionate about what we believe in, and we all get frustrated when other folks, who are essentially RKBA-lovin', freedom-lovin', gun guys and gals don't see things the same way.

Lotsa folks here say something in the spirit of the moment and regret it later; least ways I do. :o

You're one of the few with enough class to apologize later. :cool:
Unless you stand up on your hind legs, you will be treated as an animal

Keep your passion going. And see the new thread I posted on appeasement in Europe. Condel says it better than I can, with more class, but if we just sit aside, silent, while evil is done, we have as much as done it ourselves.

I won't go there and won't shut up, either.
Despite various disagreements, I'd still go to the range with anyone here.
I am afraid I cannot be that magnanimous. Some people here are just way too good a shot and I do not need to feel any worse about my abilities. :)
Heck, a few folks here think my middle name is "offensive". Sometimes you just have to remember this is the internet.
Heck, a few folks here think my middle name is "offensive". Sometimes you just have to remember this is the internet.
Oh, I have often thought of a middle name for you. It was not "offensive" but it does have an "f" in it. :p
Despite various disagreements, I'd still go to the range with anyone here. It's all gravy.

Even me?:eek:

I am afraid I cannot be that magnanimous. Some people here are just way too good a shot and I do not need to feel any worse about my abilities.

...until you go shootin' with me, PBP. Then, you can feel much better...:)
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