My 2$ when pulling your gun

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New member
I want all of you to remember this one phrase if you ever remember anything I have ever posted before on this or any other furum:


After that, describe that the person made a life threatening move and you felt it necessary to use the necessary force to defend yourself from his unlawful attack.

Then, you need to make further statements through your attorney.

They will take your weapon as evidence. Make sure you have the serial number, make, model, caliber and further descriptions written down. Also, ensure you get an evidence custody receipt for it, as well as the name, badge number and contact phone number of the officer who takes it.

This was taught to me by a State trooper when I recieved my CCL Permit.
I have to say that honesty and accuracy of your event is most important... Memorizing a statement in total is not going to be the way it went down exactly.

If you were in fear for your life (you better be) than say so. If the BG made a threatening move, describe it in detail, if he said he was going to kill you, say so... Don't make crap up.

Lawyering up is far more sage than giving any less than honest statement.

I was told by a wise older fella many years ago... "The night has a thousand eyes." meaning, you may not be the only witness no matter how alone you think you are.
The OP is a general opinion, as it pertains to individual State laws, and can therefore be wrong. Entirely.

It is neither a question or statement as to the law (in specific) or any civil rights issue.

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