My 1st TFL Anniversary - Friends, Thank You

Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, as of today it has been one year since I first posted on TFL. When I found this site I had no idea where things would lead.

While I believed in the RKBA one year ago, I was terribly ignorant. And, while I have a long ways to go, I have learned a great deal from all of you ... a great deal.

I've learned that this is a very complex and interesting subject, and yet in other ways is quite simple. It involves history, at least back to Plato and Aristotle. It involves some of the most basic and personal philosophy ever debated by man - if we have a right to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness', then how can anyone deny us the right to protect our lives? The actual engineering involved with various firearms and their uses is much more detailed and interesting than I realized. And, the physical skill of accurately hitting a target consistently is not only challenging, but can also be improved more with practice than I understood.

TFLers have answered my ignorant questions with patience and courtesy, and in the last year I have tried to pass on what knowledge I could, both on the 'net as well as with personal friends. I also try to be a polite but firm supporter of the RKBA in all of my conversations where the subject comes up. And, next week I will give my first presentation on the RKBA to about 40 people.

I only post this note because I noticed my TFL 'date registered' the other day, and it caused me to think hard about this experience. I can't let this pass without expressing my sincere gratitude.

Rich, this is the best money I've every spent on the 'net. ;)

So, thank you friends, for one of the best educational experiences I've ever had. Happy Holidays to all of you.

Warm regards from AZ!

Unthinkingly, I just passed my 1-year mark. You've expressed my beliefs and feelings much better than I could ever approach. I hope you'll let me piggyback on your post and add the following.


Before I found TFL I was surrounded by gun bigots. I began to doubt my values, to question the validity of the Constitution, and even to question the restrictions upon government by the Bill of Rights. Everybody in my community said I was wrong - even my "comrades" down at the VFW! They insisted I was only a member of the lunatic fringe.

Then I came to TFL. I went overboard at first. It took me a while to learn I didn't have to shout to be heard - a new, slightly overwhelming concept.

As TFLers may have noticed, I have learned much here that I never knew existed. I also have learned that I have much, much more to learn - a valuable lesson in itself!

Emotionally, I have learned that I am not alone. I have not been writing letters in vain for thirty-seven years or so.

Perhaps most important of all, I have learned from TFLers that we can have power IF we unite. Hobgood is a fine example.

I have become confident that the many severe ills perpetrated by our government(s) can be repaired at the ballot box; but, as of yet, we have no champion - no real American candidate. Too many candidates seem to be politicians provided by the United Nations!

However, if we unite and become strong, focused, and vocal, then we will attract candidates like Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Bob Smith (maybe), and a few others. We must empower ourselves before we can empower our candidates.

It's a heck of a job ahead of us. But, I take strength and resolve from TFLers. In the past year I have read more about our Founding Fathers than I read in the previous fifty years. That also gives me resolve.

We are strong, perhaps not yet strong enough but we are getting stronger. Let the wails of HCI and their ilk encourage and reward us.

Thank you, Rich, for the opportunity to save our Constitution (and our country) without bloodshed.

Thank you to all the Administrators for keeping us on track and, as best you can, providing some semblance of order. (grin!)

The battle has begun in earnest and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms shall not find the members of TFL on the sidelines.

Most sincerely, even as I wish you all Happy Holidays, I vehemently call for action.

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
Jeff and Dennis have put it much more succinctly and eloquently than I could hope to, so I guess I'll just say "Yup". Thank you all for the insight and information.
I didn't realize it, but I've been reading this board almost every day for a year.

I would just like to say thanks to all of the administrators and moderators who make this place work. I love TFL. It is the best source of information and general gun related hobnobbing out there.
Happy 1st Anniversary Jeff and Dennis. :) I've learned more here than I did in High School, and I haven't been here nearly a year. Thanks to everyone here! TFL IS the best place for information.
Absolutely Howling!!!
Miss D you crack me up!

Happy anniversary Jeff (separately) and Dennis (separately)


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Congrats Jeff and Dennis:

Jeff you stole my thunder. My 1st birthday is in about three weeks and I've spent many hours in quite contemplation considering how much I've grown via TFL. Its strange, I talk to my wife about TFLers like they were next door. She thought it very odd at first, but now knows many of you by your TFL name and the things I have learned from you. At points I think she wondered if I was having a secret IP affair with DC ;).

In summation, thanks to Rich in particular, as well as the TFL staff in general, for making such a worthwile resource for the RKBA and commraderie.

It is far better to dare mighty things, though riddled with failure, than to live in the dull grey of mediocrity.

The thread title clearly says, TFL Anniversary! Sheesh.

(((mumble, grumble, smart alec women, grouse gripe, try to show a little respect, at least for age, mumble, murmer, they'll rue the day, mumble, Miss D. Meaner, grouse, DC must mean Direct Collision, grumble don't know "their place"... heh, heh, heh...)))

[This message has been edited numerous times to no avail by Dennis (edited December 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 09, 1999).]
Now Dang it! You thtop that! ;)

This started out to be such a nice thread ...
until "somebody" hi-jacked it!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 09, 1999).]
quote: Rich, this is the best money I've every spent on the 'net.
Ummmmm, Jeff, maybe you should have a talk with your friend Rich, he may be running a scam to pay for extra ammo or something...This is a free site...hehehe j/k Cuz
Cuz, after you get to know me better, you'll realize that is what I lamely refer to as my 'sense of humor'. ;)

And, Miss D ... you are incorrigible. ;)
See - this is why I love this place!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
We, the people, are tired of being taxed, penalized, supervised, harassed,
and subjugated by a federal government which exceeds the powers
enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Congrats Jeff! I thought you came with the place. I looked back and I've only been aroun about 10 months. Seems longer with all of the knowledege and understanding I have gained.
See you next year at this time! You and Dennis have fun!
I have only been here for a little over 2 months. I find though that each day i can't wait to get back in and see who has taken the time to respond to my questions or concerns or to see what more I can learn from all you folks. Really, very very nice to see that there still some ladies who love what we all love.

My wife also looks at me funny when I talk about the people I've met from my own state of Tennessee or when I get excited because some guy in Boulder, CO took the time to fire something back to me. I have really started to feel like I know some of you guys. You've become friends in a way.

I look forward to telling everyone when its my 1 year anniversary.

Thanks for all your help, opinions and knowledge.

Merry Christmas

[This message has been edited by X-KILL (edited December 15, 1999).]