My 1858 Remington


New member
I was raised on a Walker so you can see where this is going. Anyway I got a brand new still in the plastic Uberti New Model Army the other day that had just come in. Its in standard configuration and the finish is striking. I've always wanted one of these but didnt want a Pietta (nothing against this fine company). I've put around 300 balls through it so far and am ready to sell the rest of my guns. No but really for the man without a handgun I cant think of a better candidate for an affordable, powerfull, accurate, reliable sixgun. I'd heard it wouldnt run as long as the Colts and would be prone to jamming with the top strap, but thats not what I found at all. I can shoot 5 cylinders without cleaning and cap jams have not been a problem at all. POI was an ideal 4 inches low two handed and about 1 inch low one handed at 15 yards so I put the file away and will keep it stock. LOUD I dont know why but its much louder than my Colts even 55grs in the 47. For the Rem my shooting load is 30gr FFF with .454's and 10's but will keep it with 40gr for serious work. Cleaning and take down is very easy but I wish the loading lever screw provided a bit more bite as mine looked like hell after 2 days and has already been reblued and could use it again. My only other complaint is that I wish they hadnt varnished over the brass grip screw retaing nuts. I may take an exacto knife to them later. But thats it everything else is perfect. The gun carries very well and is suprisingly light and flat which lends itself to non holster carry quite well. Loaded with 6 shots and the possitive sprung hammer in the saftey notch its rock solid and easy to see why the military adopted such a well built tool. Being the worst shot in the US I was very happy with the 1 1/2 inch groups I could attain at 15 yards whereas with a Colt I'm happy to connect with a paper plate at such a long distance. Over all I'm execptionally pleased with this purchase and am so glad its not a Pietta (nothing against this fine company). I plan to shoot it daily due to its slow rate of fire, affordable balls and a great place to shoot 5 minutes from where I work, is there a better way to begin the day?
It's always refreshing to hear a Colt shooter express an honest opinion for the 1858 Remington New Army .44. Like I always say I am a Rem man who owns alot of Colts. (Only have 3 differant mfg. Rems) LoL!
Good shootin' to you!

If there`s a better way to start the day i sure can`t think of what it might be .. nothin like the smell of the holy black stuff burning in the morning.. great buy .. makes ya understand the remmie lovers a little better .
You can probably get a new loading lever screw from cimarron arms or VTI. Your observations about the remington are right on. they function a lot better than they usually get credit for.

My Uberti produces higher velocities than my Uberti colt army and is also faster than an old Pietta we have on hand.

the gip would actually is pretty nicely grained on a couple of them I have seen that have been stripped and oil finished.
When I was doing SASS, I bought two Vaqueros and two Uberti Remington 58's, which I shot using the Taylor's conversion cylinders. Despite the extra step involved in loading and clearing the cylinders, the Remmies were so much more accurate and more enjoyable to shoot, that when I got out of SASS I sold the Rugers but still have the 58's.

Only problem is that now I have a hankering for a '75 or two. :D

Man i gotta have one of those rollin white remmie .. i saw a projected price from Taylors .. i couldn`t make one for that . it was under 500 bucks .
Mec, did you do a chart or comparison of Hogdon 777 fffg/ffg to equal volume minus 15%? I use my own lube pills and don't use wooly wads, don't like um. Would I just be better off using Pyrodex P as a closer substitute to BP if I had to?
Basically you could just tell me outright if 777 was as accurate/consistant as say Goex BP fffg. That would answer my question.
I don't use substitiutes for BP, but if I were what would you suggest?
Was gonna try 777 do to pure peer pressure...LoL!
I'm just curious and your help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
the answer as far as I can tell is "Sometimes." I have some loads with 777 that are very accurate. These seem to be loads that are slightly less in volumn than a direct substitution and I believe the importan factor is not greatly compressing the stuff. It will compress a great deal and in my guns, causes higher velocities than black powder - goex or swiss but outrageous velocity spreads on the order of 260 fps. On some occasions, I have found it to perform about like goex- this is generally in the 31 caliber revolvers. Usually though, if loaded to a level that gives satisfactory consistency, it will provide velocities at or above Swiss or Pyrodex P.

It is very clean. the loads it likes are very accurate and consistent. The major problem I see with it is that you have to work out your loads one at a time to determine what works. you need a chronograph. If you change any component or loading procedure then you will have to start all over again.

My favorite application of it is in single shot percussion pistols. 15 gr/vol equivalent in my LePage .433 will duplicate 20 grains of pyrodex P. 20 gr/vol in my .50 Lyman Plains pistol does the same as 30 grains of pyrodex.

I've put several charts on this forum but find that the ones that were in photography form have been corrupted. They cannot be accessed nor am I any longer able to upload images to this site.
75 Remme

I have the real deal that has been passed down 3 generations. It's in 90-95% range. Sweet gun to have. I'll have to get a few pic's and post them
Thanks Mec that helps alot...the starting over part after doing it the way I have been with BP is the part I really didn't want to deal with. I may give a pound of it a try and Start out with my Rems and see how the 777 works, do you use fffg or ffg?
Thanks for the help,
In at least one .44 we tried. 29-30 was excessive while 24 gr/vol settled in nicely. I wouldn't bet on the same thing happening on a different day with a different gun though
I hear ya Mec. I just came back from the Gunshop Lancanster, CA. Brought back a lb. of Goex fffg and a couple tins of CCI Caps...LoL! $15.xx for the BP, 777 was $23.xx. Talkin to an Old timer that works there and a BP Garu said, "BP is consistant and if you know what it'll do why change" also "If ya don't have flames, a big boom, big clouds of smoke, and the stink, why bother" LoL! Well I did think it was funny, and he was dead serious... I agreed and left with my Goex as happy as could be.
the 777 does last a long time. I believe though the main selling points are:
cleans up with plain normal temperature water and doesn't leave black gunk in the storm and strife's kitchen sink,

Seems to be another product aimed at the inline rifles people get so as to use a modern firearm in the primative seasons.