My 16-yr-old daughter wants to compete...


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in 50-yard standard pistol competition. After a nearly twenty year 'vacation', I started shooting competition again back in September. This past Saturday, I took my daughter to the range for practice. For reference, her shooting background has consisted of a few hundred rounds of .22 plinking, mostly with a rifle. I had her shoot a few rounds with my Ruger MkIII just to get used to the gun and then I set up for a simulated standard pistol match. To my surprise, she scored a 168 on her first try. This is with no practice and no coaching. There might be some potential here. She has expressed an interest in competition. I am making some inquiries with our shooting team about having her shoot some matches but I don't know yet if there is an age or other membership restriction. Any related experiences or advise that you care to give?
-- Monty --
Absolutely give her whatever encouragement and support she requires - the more women in the shooting sports, the more we have in the overall 2nd Amendment family to counter the "soccer moms" who hate guns. Not to mention that she gets to spend some quality time with you on the weekends!

The great thing about shooting is the bullet doesn't give one iota of a hoot if the person that pulls the trigger is male or female. If you're worried about her on a "boys" team, our PA Junior Girls' golf champion was the captain of her high school team - and she was the only female on it.

Even if there are age restrictions and she doesn't meet them yet, take her to the range on weekends and shoot with her. Make up your own matches. Keep the fire lit for however much competition she wants to get into.

Encourage, but don't overbear. Just don't get upset when she starts outscoring you....:D:D
my couson whos 17 is in a 4-h junior girls shooting club of sorts. That wouldnt be a bad way to go, if you don't have any other options. They shoot at 25 50 and maybe 75 meters. I believe the age is 14-21 but i am not %100 sure. I know shes been doin it since she was atleast 16 maybe 15.
There are junior pistol classifications and national and international championships. The Federal legal restrictions are just that persons under the age of 21 can't purchase, possess, or transport a handgun on their own, so adults have to do that for them and be present and supervising when they use a handgun to get around the possession issue. Same for rifles and shotguns for people under 18. State and local laws may vary, but mostly seem to echo this. When my dad coached the OSU pistol team, he and the assistant coaches had to be in possession of the guns and ammunition for the team members still under 21.

Incidentally, you may want, if your daughter has plans for college, to look for a university with a team so she can keep up with this hobby.

Give her the encouragement and aid she may need.

I've had my butt handed to me in pin shoots by 14 yo girls before, and I'm a decent shot.
Why not?

You have to gauge her maturity level, but supervised competition shouldn't be pushing things too far.

There's a 12 year old girl that shoots IDPA with her dad at one place I shoot.