muzzleloader lube


New member
Some old timers used and still do use petrolium jelly for patch lube and for storage lube....Is this a good idea ???
Why or why not??
Not a good idea. One should avoid any products that have a petroleum base when using blackpowder. Petroleum promotes the formation of a black tarry residue in the barrel that is extremely hard to remove. As an alternative, try crisco or other natural (animal, vegetable) based product. I've had great success with Thompson Bore Butter. You use the stuff to season the bore as you would an iron skillet. Once seasoned, the bore is much easier to clean and requires less cleaning during a round of shots.

Lehigh Valley Patch Lube

This is all I use anymore. It's great stuff! I can (and have) shot all afternoon without cleaning.I have shot upwards of about 30 rounds straight without cleaning. I get mine at Dixon's Muzzleloading Shop in Lenhartsville, PA. I couldn't tell you where else to get it.