Muzzle loading "oops", now what?


New member
My dad gave me his Dikar Spain black powder pistol like it was some major award. It's actually a $75 kit from decades ago.
It's still a novelty. I could not get #11 caps so I tried to use #10's. They work but not always on the first try. Then I tried some black powder with just tissue paper wadding.
The black powder didn't ignite. I tried two caps. I am guessing the channel between the cap and the powder is clogged shut. It has never been fired until now. My dad got it as a gift in 1982.

What are all the things I am doing wrong?
How do I get the powder and wadding out?
Soak the powder in kerosine and then pull out was with wad puller and scrap out powder with a powder scrapper.

Then clean out drum and nipple with a nipple pick and a pipe cleaner . You may not be able to remove drum clean out screw.
Use a brass patch puller and don't worry about deadening the powder. Then clean out the nipple. If you oiled the bore and didn't clean it out or pop a cap before you loaded it the powder is probably contaminated anyway.
Pull the nipple and pour in 5-6 grains of BP directly into the flash channel (or as much as you can, and still screw the nipple back in)

Fire it ...and it will ignite/shove all the old powder/paper out.
Gosh Joe,
Did you slap your dad for giving you a cheap ol gun that wouldn't fire the first time (operative word being "giving")? " like it was some "major award " - sheeesh!!! I wish my dad were alive to give me a $75.00 kit.

Follow me on Instagram @ goonsgunworks
It is a major award....your just not old enough to appreciate it yet .

When my Dad gave me a Western Auto single shot 410, I didn't think too much of it. Back then we was dirt poor , I now know he had to give up a few things for himself to buy it . He's gone and that little 410 is priceless to me.
1. Get a good manual on black powder shooting and study it - especially the safety section and how to make sure that a nipple or vent is clear BEFORE loading - even with a blank load.

2. Learn that it's not about how expensive or how cheap a "gift" is . . . it's about the thought behind it. My Dad did a lot of nice things for me through the years . . . and often gave me things. I showed my appreciation each time and treasure every thing he gave me and did for me. He's been gone now for over twenty years and I still miss him and would trade anything i have for just five more minutes to talk with him. Just sayin' . . . . .