Muzzle loader question


New member
I have been thinking about getting a muzzle loader so that I can extend my hunting season. I don't know if it would be better to get a .50 cal or a .45 cal. I am kinda looking at the T/C Omega, because I like the "Falling Block" action. If anyone has any advice on which caliber or another good gun, let me know. Thanks in advance.
I forgot to mention that almost all shots should be within 100 yards with many being within 50 yards. And that I am kinda already leaning toward the 50 cal, because I don't really agree with the "Velocity kills" idea. That being said I also remember seeing or reading somewhere that the .45 was not a great choice if your shots were going to be in close, but it was a long time ago and I wasn't even thinking of getting of muzzle loader at the time so I skimmed over it. Unfortunately it took an unprofitable season to get me thinking about getting a muzzle loader, but such is life.
For shots 100 yards and in, I'd go 50 caliber. In fact, I did. There's really no need for the flatter trajectory of the .45 at that range, and you have more energy at impact with the .50.

Also, in a pinch, it's just easier to find ammo and accessories in .50 caliber.
I use a Knight in-line. Very accurate and reliable. Very easy to use and clean. I shoot a .50 caliber, very effective on the deer that I've shot with it.

I don't know anything about .45 cal, or the Omega.
I'd recommend the .50. It was a favorite caliber of its day and its probably the most popular today. Bullets, accessories, etc are readily available.
id recommend the 50 caliber...a bigger hole means a bigger wound so better kills-stuff is more readily available..and you can probably get it cheaper and the supplies cheaper....and get better performance
Go with the .50 CAL. Puts those deer down quick. I was lucky enough to get my hands on a new T/C .50 CAL. Omega before muzzleloading season got started. The first shot on the hunt claimed a nice deer. I like the way the gun functions and I think it will be my muzzleloader of choice the rest of my hunting career. It took a little getting used to a hammer again but it sure does have an easy trigger pull. I think the Omega will survive well in pouring rain and fire when called upon. :)
For round ball, a .50 is 37% heavier than a .45.

Remember that, historically, a .40 was a "squirrel rifle".

:), Art

I might have to disagree with you there.At least from a historical point.

In the 1700's during the f@I and the american revolution bores where very large.Towards the end of the war and after the war the bores started getting smaller.There where several reasons for that.1st people found that they could stretch their lead longer with samaller diameter round balls.Also they could stretch the life of powder because the smaller bores took less powder.Later in history bores started getting bigger again when buffalo hunting became popular.Lots of buffs where killed just to keep the indians from having food and coats.I also suspect that bores became bigger again because no one in that day and age threw away a perfectly good rifle just because riffling was wore out.They just reamed it into a larger caliber.

It was only later in history after all of this was settled out that the 40 cal became the squirrel caliber as it is know for today.

At least that's the way I understand it.