Muzzle Condoms


New member
I believe I know the answer to this question but remembering the countless times in my life (mostly in the military) I heard the statement, "there are no dumb questions", I want to ask this question.

Is there is a concern shooting through a muzzle condom placed over the muzzle of a rifle. A few years ago, I purchased a pack them. In case you don't know what they are, they are short, small balloons which are designed to be placed over your muzzle for the purpose of keeping junque out of the barrel. You know, things like mice, birds and such. During WWII, the Brits placed what looks like duck tape (it was initially called duck tape) over the openings to fighter aircraft wing machine guns. This tape was not removed before take off because you can see in documentaries the tape flapping on the wing after the pilot began shooting.
Putting a condom, balloon, baggie, OR tape over the muzzle is perfectly safe.

Unlike a SOLID obstruction (mud, sand, snow, water, ice, finger, etc.) the tape or condom is blown loose before the bullet gets to it most of the time, and if not, still does not offer enough of an obstruction to pose any risk.

The tape on British figherplane guns was twofold in purpose, first, to protect the bore, and second to give easy visual confirmation that the gun had been fired. IF a plane landed with some of the tape intact, it showed that gun needed to be checked out, because it didn't fire when it should have.
I keep the muzzles taped with electrical tape during hunting season. Keep spare tape on the barrel. It doesn't hurt a thing or effect accuracy, air pressure ahead of the bullet will blow it off before the bullet gets there.

For years the US Mil has issued plastic covers to go over the muzzle. These are even harder then the balloons you are asking about.

Ive sent more then a couple downrange by mistake. Just forgot (or didnt have time) to remove em. Not a problem, they blow off and fly downrange.

I resemble the inference you make about the size of my winkie and the muzzle condom - just kidding, of course.
At an auction of an industrial business, I purchased a bag of "finger cots"(1000's of them). I like them for AR type barrels as they cover the openings of the flash hider plus the muzzle. Not exceptionally damage resistant but cheap and easy to replace. All my bolt action rifles go out with tape over the muzzle and I carry a roll of tape for replacement.
A spot bandage works and it will be thrown off just with the blast of air pushed out by the bullet. Your bullet probably won't touch the things.
I'll second the finger cotts over condoms. They're thicker & so stronger & more resistant to tears by snagging on brush & so on.
They also come in several sizes (originally for a good fit to different fingers or thumbs).

(image (c) wogpotter 2011)
" was initially called duck tape..." Nope. Duck Tape is just a brand name. Duct tape was originally used by ground crews fixing bullet holes. PBI troopies used condoms to keep the ocean out because that's what they had.
It had nothing to do with the Brits either. Johnson & Johnson invented it at the request of the U.S. government, in green(called Gun Tape in the CF. Used for everything.) to seal ammo boxes.
"GIs purportedly nicknamed it “duck tape” because water beaded off the tape just like droplets slipping down a duck’s back."
Yesterday, I was in a hurry and sent one of these down range. Bullet POI was about 5 inches out at 7:00.


If I can shoot one of these off the barrel and still hit paper at 100 yards, a balloon or piece of tape isn't going to affect your POI that much :).