Muzzle brakes


New member
Want to have a brake put on my Remington 700 416 Rem mag. Would use it while using the bench to work up different loads.
Any advice on what and who to use would be appreciated.
I have a muzzle brake by Bruce McArthur a custom job , cost me 100 to install. Works great , but my shooting friend ordered a brake from Witt Machine for 100. screws on press fit no threading or timing . Works just as good as mine & won't blow off. My next brake will be from Witt Machine. Check them out . They make shooting a pleasure .
Go over to the Remington 700 forum @ and ask the question.

There are some good guys there that can give you specifics for your particular rifle.

.416 is going to be one hell of a kick without a brake.
Please keep in mind what it does for you, it does TOO the person next to you.

If you shoot next to me I am going to ask you to move.

It blasts the daylight out of the adjacent benches.
I do not like brakes at the range.

The last time I experienced a brake, the guy next to me was blowing my hat off and he was only shooting a 308 Win in an AR. 30 round mags.

His shots completely covered a 4 ft x 4 ft target frame. Lot of good it did him.

I do not use a brake on my 460 out of consideration to others. I just shoot it standing, never from a bench.

Brakes in the field are OK, but not at a crowded range.
Most of the guys at my range shoot with brakes, where not there to pour lead down range . We shoot for accuracy , fire after each other . A brake allows you to stay on target , less hop an makes shooting a high powered rifle more enjoyable. If your respectful of the shooters to the sides of you its not a problem.

Shoot next to someone shooting a 338 Lapua with or without a brake , but if you take turns its no big deal. I find 98% of the shooters respectfully & great conversations. If you want a brake get one.
I think the question was/is —what brakes are recommended by the forum. Did not ask for shooting range info on brakes.
Scoits, it's just the nature of the Internet. Ask about a bolt action and somebody will chime in with love for their lever action. :)
I fired a shot through a 7mm Rem Mag one time. Never do that again! Darn near blew my ears off and I'm already hard of hearing!
Posts: 67
Muzzle brakes
Want to have a brake put on my Remington 700 416 Rem mag. Would use it while using the bench to work up different loads.
Any advice on what and who to use would be appreciated.

I have brakes on everything. I love them. I hunt with them. All my 1k bench guns have brakes. My 100 and 200 rifles would have them if they were legal. Having said that, I would not pit a brake on a hunting rifle if I did not intend to hunt with the brake. Build a hydraulic or pneumatic dampening rest to shoot them out of. It takes all the human error out of load development and all the pain off my shoulder.
Mag-na-port International makes a good brake for the Weatherby if I'm not mistaken.

If you want to try out a removable clamp on brake (that won't break the bank) first to see if you like it try the Witt machine Muzzle brake. I have one on my 7mm-08 for long range shooting.
$89 plus shipping pretty much equals the going rate for an installed brake. Not sure how you are saving money.