muzzle brakes and accuracy


New member
in your experience how does switching from basic a2 flash hider to a fancy muzzle brake affect 200 meter accuracy?
I don't know about switching from a flash hider, but for 200 meters a muzzle brake should not affect accuracy to any notable degree in the negative.
For that close of a distance i've found them to actually help my accuracy.

For long range, "extreme long range" ( 1,200 yards +), they supposedly affect accuracy.
Anything you add to the end of a barrel will change the impact point.
At 200, it’s no likely to be as severe as at 500 but the weight and pressure differential will make a measurable difference.
So basically what everyone is saying is accuracy is not effected, but where your bullet will hit vs where it is aimed will shift from its current location/zero and will require you to re-zero after you install the muzzle device.
I had a screw on and timed muzzle brake installed for follow up shots shooting from a bi pod , POA and POI did not change with 200 meter zero 308/ 7.62 round . Much less recoil you can concentrate more on hits . For me it worked well , what are you shooting ? Either way give it a try you won't be disappointed .
