Muzzle brake update.


New member
A few weeks back, I posted a topic asking about muzzle brakes. I decided to go ahead and have one installed on my .30-06 by Answer Products in Michigan, along with a recoil pad. It took about three weeks from the time I sent it to get it back.

The rifle came back last week and I took it to the range on Tuesday, and all I can say is that I'm VERY pleased with the change. The rifle is a joy to shoot now and my accuracy has improved because of the effects of the brake. I shot a four-round group that was JUST a hair over 3/4", which is the best I've ever done. I was using Federal Premium 165 gr. BTSP rounds, but I'm going to attempt to work up some of my own loads this weekend that I hope will be at least comparable.

BTW, the rifle is a Winchester Model 670 I bought new in 1978. I've put fewer than 200 rounds through it since then, a situation that's going to change dramatically this summer.

I'm no expert on the subject, but the trigger is quite good, and I've never had anything done to it. I've heard of people complaining on TFL about heavy, crappy factory triggers, but I guess I just got lucky, or gunmakers put better triggers out back then.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.
Hey, great! And if you're getting 3/4" groups in your "out of the box" rifle, I'd not worry about tweaking with the bedding nor with the trigger.

At the range, you might give some thought to the ears of those around you, though. Muzzle brakes tend to increase the db level for those nearby, which can be rude, gross, and impolite.

If this is going to be your primary pet for hunting, be sure and practice shooting from "casual" positions, not just securely snuggled into the sandbags.

Dry-firing from the off-hand position is a big help. So is shooting sodapop cans of water at 25 and 50 yards, at times when you have the range to yourself...

Yeah, by and large, gunmakers could afford to put final finishing touches on their products mo' bettah back before inflation jumped so high in 1979-1980.

Have fun, Art
Art, thanks for the tips. I do need to get more offhand practice in.

I didn't notice a substantially louder report with the muzzle brake than without it, but I do think the report had a sharper edge to it. This shouldn't be a big problem at the range because I usually go on a weekday when fewer people are present.

Reading "Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal," by Ayn Rand, should be required of every politician and in every high school.