Mutilate a Model 60?

SA Scott

New member
Here's my situation:

I bought a Model 60 2&1/8" bbl .357 (used, pre-sellout) for backup/pocket/ankle carry. I love this little revolver.

My only "hangup" (literally) is the hammer spur. It snags often enough during practice draws to make me concerned about handling under stress.

What are my options? The DA pull is excellent, courtesy of my gunsmith. Can I have the hammer replaced with a bobbed DAO conversion? I feel having the factory hammer modified (hence the mutilation) would lessen resale value. Am I wrong? The ideal solution of buying another revolver for carry isn't a financially viable option.

Your thoughts appreciated,

SA Scott
I've bobbed the hammer on three different revolvers and find that it smooths the draw stroke nicely. Resale is not effected other than the price of a new hammer if it's a concern.

Test your carry ammo for reliablity anytime you mess with the firing bits.

The shrouds used on the old detective specials, cobras, agents are now made by another company and they make them for J frames too.
Have your smith check the headspace first. The little J hammer's don't generate the inertia of their larger siblings, that's why the dang mainsprings are so stout. If the headspace is at it's outer limits, you may encounter some reliability problems, depending on your ammo. A proper job on the J would leave as much meat as possible near the base of the spur. When viewed in profile, it should appear as a rounded nub, not the smooth convex contour that is possible with the K/L/N frames.

Re-sale would be enhanced in the eyes of some, so I wouldn't worry about that too much.:)
you might practice drawing your md.60 with your thumb placed on the hammer to guide it out.i carry a older md.60 and did not want to give up the hammer.

Get out the files! Find some sandpaper! Hack away!

It is just a machine.


"all my handguns are modified handguns"
You can bob the hammer, then have the top grooved or checkered so you can single action cock the gun if you want. That gives you pretty much best of both worlds for snag free draws.
