Must Sen. Smith Stand Alone? You Can Help Stop the Anti-gun Crime Bill in its Tracks!


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You Can Help Stop the Anti-gun Crime Bill in its Tracks!
-- Ask your Senator to join Smith's filibuster

Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

(Friday, July 16, 1999) -- You guys have done a great job in
communicating your views to Senators Trent Lott and Orrin Hatch.
They're getting hounded with grassroots contacts. Please keep
sending us your letters and the responses you receive from those
offices. While we can't respond to thank each of you individually,
rest assured your letters enhance our lobbying efforts.

In the Senate, the "showdown" may occur quite soon. Earlier this
month, Senator Lott was quoted as saying he was going to "push
forward" with the juvenile injustice bill, even though Senator Bob
Smith had placed a "hold" on this anti-gun bill. The Washington
Times reported that Lott wants to "appoint Senate conferees despite
Mr. Smith's threat [to filibuster]." And just yesterday, Lott was
again quoted as saying that he would try to appoint conferees as
early as next week. This means there's not much time to act.

As we stated in Tuesday's alert, Senator Smith has placed a "hold"
on the juvenile crime legislation-- a "hold" being a parliamentary
procedure that can indefinitely delay unconstitutional legislation
if there are enough Senators who are willing to join the effort,
thus forcing the leadership to honor the "hold."

It is unclear at this time whether Senator Smith has anybody
standing with him in this fight. But it is imperative that other
senators join the "hold" which Smith has placed on the anti-gun
crime legislation. If more senators join Sen. Smith, then the
Republican leadership will be forced to bury this dangerous

All the Senators listed below voted AGAINST S. 254 in May. They are
the most likely candidates to join Senator Bob Smith in holding up
this anti-gun juvenile bill. If you are receiving this alert, at
least one (but maybe both) of your Senators is on the list below.

ACTION: Please find your Senator(s) listed below and request that
they join the Smith "hold" on the juvenile injustice bill (S. 254
and H.R. 1501). You can fax or e-mail the pre-written message below
using the given contact info (there are intermittent problems with
the Senate e-mail server; please keep trying until your mail is
delivered). You can also call your Senators at 202-224-3121, or
toll-free at 1-888-449-3511.

The area code for all fax numbers below is 202. Senators' websites
are linked from on the
Senate server.

Brownback (KS) 228-1265
Bunning (KY) 228-1373
Burns (MT) 224-8594
Campbell (CO) 224-1933 no e-mail
Coverdell (GA) 228-3783
Craig (ID) 228-1067 e-mail from his website only
Crapo (ID) 228-1375 e-mail from his website only
Enzi (WY) 228-0359
Feingold (WI) 224-2725
Gorton (WA) 224-9393 e-mail from his website only
Gramm (TX) 228-2856
Grassley (IA) 224-6020
Gregg (NH) 224-4952
Helms (NC) 228-1339
Hutchinson (AR) 228-3973
Hutchison (TX) 224-0776
Inhofe (OK) 228-0380
Nickles (OK) 224-6008
Roberts (KS) 224-3514
Shelby (AL) 224-3416
Thomas (WY) 224-1724
Thompson (TN) 228-3679
Voinovich (OH) 228-1382
Wellstone (MN) 224-8438

LEGISLATIVE REVIEW AND STATUS: The Senate passed S. 254 in May, a
bill replete with gun bans and gun owner registration. While the
House defeated H.R. 2122 in June-- a bill loaded with gun control--
the House did pass another unconstitutional bill containing some gun
control (H.R. 1501). This is the bill that House and Senate leaders
want to "conference" together with S. 254. The "hold" placed by
Senator Bob Smith (I-NH) has held up the appointment of conferees,
however, and no action has been taken so far.

------------------ Clip and send --------------------

Dear Senator,

Certainly you are aware by now that Senator Bob Smith has placed a
hold on the appointment of conferees regarding the Juvenile
InJustice legislation (S. 254 and H.R. 1501).

Your vote against S. 254 in May is appreciated. Now, in order to
make certain that this horrible, anti-gun package does not reach the
President's desk, I urge you to go a step further. Please join Sen.
Smith in his hold. And if that isn't enough to stop the Majority
Leader from eroding my rights by pushing more gun control through
Congress, I understand there is the possibility of a filibuster.
Standing tall for principle and aiding such a filibuster would show
me-- and a vast number of gun-owning constituents-- that you care
about my Constitutional rights.

For the moment, however, please join Sen. Smith by signing your name
to the hold.

A reply detailing your intentions is specifically requested.


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