must read - its a hoot!


New member
Ala. Senate kept in session, forcing lt. gov. to urinate under desk  
AP News Service
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) _ The Alabama Senate's fight over  operating rules turned into a marathon Sunday, prompting Republican  Lt. Gov. Steve Windom to urinate in a jug hidden underneath the  presiding officer's podium because he feared he would be replaced  if he left his seat.  
``It´s absolutely absurd,´´ Windom said in a telephone interview  from the podium. ``They want to go around the clock, 24 hours a  day, to keep me from going to the bathroom, from eating and from  sleeping.´´  
Windom is the first Republican elected this century to preside  over the Democrat-dominated Senate. On Jan. 12, before Democrat Don  Siegelman moved up from lieutenant governor to governor, he  presided over the Senate as his Democratic allies voted 18-17 for  new rules taking away most of the power of his successor, including  appointing Senate committees.  
On March 2, Windom's first day in the Senate's presiding  officer's chair, he gaveled through new operating rules on an  unrecorded voice vote that restored most of his powers.  
Since then, feuding between Siegelman's allies and Windom's  supporters has kept the Senate from considering any legislation,  including the governor's plan for a state lottery.   To try to force a resolution, Siegelman called a rare special  session during what was supposed to be the Legislature's spring  break.   Senate President Pro Tem Lowell Barron, a Democrat, said keeping  the Senate meeting long hours during the special session is the  only way to break the standoff.  
The Sunday meeting began at 4 p.m. and continued into the night,  with Barron's side talking about going nonstop. Barron said that if  Windom leaves to use the restroom, the state constitution allows  him to replace Windom in the presiding officer's seat.

:) :)


- bk40

[This message has been edited by bk40 (edited March 29, 1999).]
Well that is a pisser. But, consider, we now have a sound reason for keeping women out of could have been a LOT messier!


Indeed. As one who has cleaned a few locker rooms and rest rooms of both sexes (I had a lot of 'interesting' jobs thru HS, college, & army), I can say from experience that men are sloppy, women are slobs when it comes to how they treat the facilities. Women's locker rooms were the worst.
Jim; you are too much! Thaat poor guy must think that he is in an EST class!!

Some demonstrators in Humbolt County, CA, chained themselves together with collars over the chains, so that cutting them apart would possibly injure them.

The Sheriff's Deputies chose to spray pepper spray directly into the demonstrator's eyes, and then apply it directly to the conjunctiva of their eyes with Q-tips. Of course there was a great hue and cry about the brutality of such behavior.

I was amazed that they simply didn't out wait them. Surely the demonstrators would get thirsty pretty rapidly, even if they were willing to not get up to urinate.

In the ER, when we had a patient who was feigning unconsciousness, and after we had firmly established that this was the case, we didn't try to stimulate them with spirits of ammonia, or the sternal rub, etc. Trying to inflict pain on them fed into their game: 'I can take more pain than you can dish out.' We simply put them in a darkened room, on a gurney. After a few hours, they would timidly open the door, and ask if they could go home. Remember, it is NOT nice to try and fool the doctor. heh heh heh
OK, we're getting some topic drift here but...I know several current LEOs hang out here so I'll ask about that thing in Humbolt:

What the protesters did was stick their hands into metal tubes and hold hands, tight, inside. Each tube was around 2ft long, the idea was to prevent the cops doing finger-prying to seperate 'em.

Question is, why didn't anybody think to take each tube, duct-tape one end to get it somewhat liquid-tight (protesters all had long sleeves, per the pictures so we're not talking tape-to-skin contact here), hold one end of the tube higher than the other and pour vegetable oil in the open end? You then tilt the open end down, drain the oil, sop up any that still wants to drip with paper towels or whatever and then just play a game of "tug of hippie"?

I rather doubt they could hang on with greased hands...this would seem to be a torture-free solution and with care, you could even minimize the mess.

Certainly cheaper than the resulting lawsuits and bad PR, win or lose.

Jim March

Thank you so very much for the link to the “stand2p” topic.

I’m especially gratified that our U. S. Army has conducted more than mere
superficial studies of this subject. At last our tax dollars are spent on a
project that can make a real splash in our society. Rather than merely “go
with the flow”, we finally are standing up for something important and necessary in our
daily lives.

As a medical professional, albeit a lowly cog in that exalted wheel, I was
determined to study well all available subject material. Professional pride
requires me to push on, to improve my medical expertise, and to broaden
my personal education by becoming deeply involved in an organized,
dedicated manner rather than some amateurish hit-and-miss method.

I found the device, the “Pee Shooter”, to be described and explained rather
well. No doubt it fills a need. The photo of the device, however, reveals a
translucent appearance. Upon use that appearance alone may well startle
some lesser-trained gentlemen bystanders. Closer study may be required by
some interested parties. Finally the ladies have the opportunity to take
students by the hand, to further the student’s knowledge and improve his
own skills in this area.

The text described well the required manual manipulations for successful
“non-device” operations. The diagrams were clear and instructive perhaps
even beyond the author’s original intent. However, as the discussion delved
deeper into manual techniques, I fear professional demeanor suffered
somewhat when one participant likened the procedure to learning how to

I believe I have learned all I can from the lecture and text. I have heard
that access to appropriate lab work, in the past, has resulted in some
injuries. Perhaps further study must be done in the field and approached
rather delicately.

In any case, I am thrilled at this stand for female equality. I have always, at
least since puberty, opposed male domination and struggled for the fairer
gender. I never have believed that men must top the women, or vice versa
for that matter. Equal time and efforts by all and for all, I say. I am proud
that, in seeking equal opportunity, I so very often lent my voice to the cries
of down with pants, up with skirts, and an equal and fair time for all.

And, for the moment, that is my final position.

As usual, I reserve the right to revise and extend my remarks
Not only that, but we men have lost our last vestige of superiority, now THEY can write their names in the snow too!

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Dennis, you, sir are too much!!! :D :D :D HA! HA! HA! ROTFLMAOPMP

[This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited March 30, 1999).]
And to think I caught hell for a link to a UFO sight. Sheese.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Thank you so much for reminding me!

To all our Confederate friends: No matter what them Yankees tell ya, don't eat yellow snow.

There is no equality in justice, and no justice in equality.