Murder Suspect Drew Peterson arrested on Gun Law Violation


Infamous suspected wife killer Drew Peterson has been arrested on a felony gun law violation unrelated to either the death of this first wife, or the disappearance of his second wife.

Apparently an assault rifle he owned had a barrel too short to be legal to own in Illinois. Peterson's entire gun collection remains in the possession of authorities, and Peterson has been unsuccessful in getting his guns back.

For further details, see:
I'm no fan of this guy, but isn't it kind of "illegal" for the police to confiscate your guns without charging you with a crime? (I'm referring to the police having had his guns for the past few months at least without charging him with a crime). I realize this is Illinois, but still. :confused:
Oh, and, concerning his wife.... the police must have no evidence. The case must be falling apart if they are resorting to arresting him for this violation.
here we go again

it another wrongful gun issue. The guy obviously was set up. YADA YADA YADA. There sure seems to be a great deal of assumptions dealing with all the issues that lead to the firearms charge: in particular how they are using this as the only way to prosecute the guy.

The guy is a cop. The guy owned the firearm inquisition. The firearm in question is less than the legal barrel length. And obviously the guy did not know the rifle was illegal. After all why would a LOE know such things.
How long have they had his guns? All this time they have not checked out the legality of these guns? I guess they finally got an officer back from school trained in how to use a measuring device properly. I wonder how long it will take them to figue out what kind of action on the rest of his guns?
We might not like the guy, but I wouldn't want to have the whole Unites States ran like Illinois which is what would happen if Obama gets in the presidency. It's a shame we can't have whatever gun and barrel length we want.
Fox reported that it was 3/8" shy of 16". As far as I know a 15-5/8" barrel is illegal everywhere in the US. I haven't read anything about the feds getting involved so I'm wondering if he obtained it legally (federal) and under a state LEO exemption, or if he just cut it down. If he obtained it legally and just "forgot" to replace the barrel on leaving the force due to stress, then they might be reaching. If he illegally modified it he's hosed. But that was his privately owned duty weapon.

By the way did anybody else catch Fox News and their pet disgraced ex-LEO/convicted felon Mark Ferman go on and on about how there was no reason for any member of the public to own deadly military style weapons such as an AR15? What a maggot that clown is! If anybody still has any delusions that Fox is on our side of the 2nd Amendment battle you are sadly wrong. Time to sharpen the email quills and start bombarding Fox for those cracks and their stance.
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The guy is a jerk. The government of the State of Illinois are peopled with jerks. The bulk of the press are jerks. The only non jerk in this mess is the missing wife. I'll pass on this one.

Have fun debating what jerks are doing to a jerk as reported by jerks.

WildihavesorbetfordessertyummyAlaska TM
A barrel on a rifle less than 16' is not automatically illegal...

it just needs a tax stamp. At least that's federal law, now as for Illinois, I don't have a clue and don't choose to even waste the time looking.
Emailed FOX NEWS.

I sent out my email demanding they dump Ferman, so he can go spread his Communism over in China or somewhere else.
Wow, what a piece of work this whole story is...

How in th world did the first wife get put in the ground without an autopsy in the first place??? Could it be because her husband was law enforcement? :rolleyes:

When a spouse disappears, 90% of the time it was the other spouse's doing. If they find a body I expect he will be going away anyhow.

Maybe this is just to try and keep him from fleeing until that happens.