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Multiple posts.....


New member
Hi guys....we have a minor problem, in some ofthe forum's ive visited this morning it appears that the last post is being repeated multiple times.....its always something eh?..fubsy.
Me again. "down for maintenance" & when getting in to look & post, it didn't appear that the thread title even flew. Tried to clean it up this AM ....
I suspect this has something to do with the server lag I mentioned in my other thread on this forum. When I posted a reply to the 'Handguns' forum on Thursday evening, it appeared that the server had rejected the message. Going back to the original message and refreshing it 'confirmed' my suspicion...nothing had been updated. When I checked the thread again on Friday, three copies of my reply had actually gone through.

[Link to invalid post]
Daniel - You bring up a very good point and everyone should heed this. When you create a post and hit the submit key, pretend like it is a hangfire if the system doesn't return immediately. Wait a loooong time before deciding to hit that submit button again. And then wait some more.

Last night I spent about an hour cleaning up a thread in Handguns that had 32 extra posts. I suspect they came during the server problems. No need to embarass the culprit, he knows who he is and was embarassed enough as witnessed by his last post begging forgiveness. But, I think he now has the record for duplicate posts. :)

So a variation on a theme is required, "Think twice, submit once."
Thanks, Dan. Got 'em.

Mal's correct. On Netscape, when I submit, if I see something like "Host www.thefiringline.com contacted. Waiting for reply" in the bottom strip, I know the post went thru. The key is the word "contacted".

Don't know about IE though.
IE just sits there with its finger in its ear like a doped up Ted Kennedy.. Grrr.

Hmm. Ted Kennedy. Maybe IE has a bad "driver"?

(giggles heard!)
Oh my god...was that me with the 32 posts? Maybe it wasn't because I'm posting now about how to get rid of all mine in the handgun forum under - Laser sight recommendations, must be a half dozen of them in there! Sorry guys.
Dennis - IE says something similar to Netscape in the status line at the bottom when the submit button is pressed. I get "Connecting to xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", then "Web site found, waiting for reply." Check the very bottom of your IE window next time you post.
It was me. :o Yes, I've got a claim to fame. :)

Seriously, there was something really wrong with TFL - on each of those posts, I waited several minutes before cancelling the action and trying again. Several times I waited more than 5 full minutes, and never ONCE even got to the screen "Thank you for posting.....". All I got was frozen computer/"thinking" cursor each time. Then I zipped around to other websites, no problem, no delays, so don't know what was up. Excess traffic at TFL?
No problem, Futo. Like I said I suspected it was the server problems. At least you were able to get in during that period, I couldn't even do that. The internet weather report had the biggest circle around the Wash., D.C. area I've ever seen. We were having about 15 second latency times coupled with TFL's problems. It was miserable.
Thanks, Mal. "This is ONLY a check!" ;)
When my computer "hangs", it usually says, "Web site found. Waiting for reply."

Part of my concern is my ISP charges some exorbitant surcharge for exceeding 200 minutes in a calendar month. I believe they say $95! And they got me by the, um, phone line! Every other ISP is a long distance toll call.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 30, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 30, 2000).]
Only 200 minutes! Ouch and double ouch. I think I hit that limit every single day but I do use it in my job as well. I guess you do a lot of your work offline, eh?
Sorry, Mal. I was asleep at the keyboard. That should read 200 hours.

Just a slight difference, right? No biggie, right? Mal?

Oh, oh.

BTW, you were also right in supposing I do most of my "composing" off-line. It's easier to read a page than this little window...
Whew! I'm relieved. I was going to start taking up a collection.

Maybe go on TV: "Do you want to see this little boy grow up without the internet? Just 25 cents a day can keep him going. Just think, the cost of a single cup of coffee will make his dreams come true. A wasted mind is a terrible thing, just look at him. If you can find it in your heart to help, please make that call. Our operators are standing by." Cut! Will somebody take that damn Shiner away from him? Ok, take 7. Places everybody.....
Here's a good thing to do when you are having problems posting....

If you post doesn't give you the "Thank You..." screen right away and it's hanging, copy the text you just wrote into Notepad and save it.

Then go back to the thread you were typing in, and reload it.

If your message hasn't shown up, then yes, you need to post it again.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for BladeForums.com
“...damn Shiner”?

Grabbing the longneck in his teeth, with a Gov’t Model in each hand,
the Fat Boy snarls,

“Come on, you heathen, Schumer-lovin’, Yankee Democrats! I DARE YA!”

Family members sidle out with hard stares as they form a skirmish line:

- Wife sides her man. She has 12ga pump shotgun - 8 rounds of 00 Buck,
sidesaddle full of Brenneke’s, bandoleer with 30 rounds.

The daughters take the flanks:
- Older daughter has the M-1, vest full of .30-06 clips; her fiancee smiles
slightly as he brings his Remington 11-87 to port arms;
- Younger daughter has the AR-15, her fiancee has his Dad’s registered M-16,
their flak vest pockets bulge with loaded magazines.

(the serious reinforcements will arrive shortly!!)

The wife speaks,
“We don’t cotton to Shiner thieves ‘round these here parts, mister.”

(faint banjo music in background... “Deliverance!”)

The boy with the M-16 asks,
“Now, were you just leavin’? Or were ya gonna whistle “Dixie”?

(There is a sudden, ominous stillness. Far off in the distance a coyote howls.....)

Jeez, Mal, you never mess with a man’s woman, guns, or Shiner Bock!
(Or his Harley, or his kids, or his dogs, or..., or..., or....n)

Oh, yes. Thank you anyway for the offer of a collection. ;)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited January 30, 2000).]