"Multi-burst Trigger Activators"

Bob Johnson

Hello All!

I'm starting this topic because I can't seem to find any relevant information elsewhere. I've seen, as I'm sure most of you have, ads in various magazines for "Multi-burst Trigger Activators."

From what I can interpret, these products are attached in some manner (internally or externally?) to a semi-auto firearm, and provide either (depends on the ad) something close to burst or full auto. This product (or a derivative of it) has been marketed under several names: Hellburst, Trifire...etc.
Hesitant about buying anything without knowing a little about it, I had a few questions.
1)Are these products what they claim to be? Do they work? (Specifics, please)
2)Are they legal? In California?
3)Anybody bought one of these things and had it work? Or not?
4)Recommended for a CAR-15?

If these things do work, it'd be great, but I'm rather cautious. If they do work, why hasn't the ATF noticed yet? And don't tell me they couldn't get around that "spring biased-fulcrum" tidbit in the ad. :)

MOst of them are little spring loaded deals that hook onto the trigger guards of the weapons they are meant for.

When you pull on the trigger, there is little doohickey that spins or pops back and forth and repretedly pulls the tigger of the gun.

I have never gotten one,though I have been tempted at times. I have also never heard a very good report about them.
I've got one of the "Hellfire" devices for my Ruger 10/22 laying around somewhere. I bought it because it sounded like great fun to lay waste to attacking tin cans. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. The rifle usually jams on the 2nd or 3rd shot.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page: members.xoom.com/keithrogan
No accuracy to speak of. Try spinning the handle and aiming at the same time :). Great for the cool factor at the range, when they work.
The problem with the Hellfire trigger, which I have one of, is that it basically relies on the recoil of the gun. You're supposed to hold the gun very lightly, and it bounces back and forth against your finger, firing the gun. It's legal, (The Hellfire trigger actually comes with a copy of a letter from the BATF stating that it's legal. They recomend that you have it on your person at all times when you're using the thing!) because it's your finger pulling the trigger, and you get one shot per trigger pull. But you can't aim the gun while you're doing this! I don't know about "Trifire", but I keep my Hellfire trigger in the hollow kelly grip of my Calico, so that I won't misplace it.
I bought the Hellfire for my 10/22 also. What a rip off! You get about 3 cents worth of clipped sheet metal for 20 bucks. Didn't work worth a damn either.
Sorry I'm late to this thread. You don't need any gadgets to simulate full auto fire. There's a couple of threads (Full Auto Handguns which was started back in Dec. 99 and Hellfire Systems started this month) in the Full Auto Forum of this website which discusses the bounce technique for hosing down an area. Check out the threads and save your money for ammo. You'll be needing it for practice. :)
What was that saying??????

100 rounds don't constitute fire power... one HIT constitutes fire power.

:) :)

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"

[This message has been edited by David Schmidbauer (edited March 23, 1999).]
All of these products are JUNK.
Waste of Money.
Waste of Ammo.
Waste of Time.

One shot, one kill.
Anything else is whacking off.
I agree with all of the above, especially the point that one good hit is firepower, not a hundred misses.

These things are legal because the law defines automatic fire as more than one shot with a single pull of the trigger. Since these fire only one shot per trigger pull, they are legal. (That means one discharge, not one bullet, so multi-ball loads don't make a pistol a machine gun.)

[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited March 30, 1999).]
Someone, somewhere attributed the following quote to Clint Smith of Thunder Ranch. I can't vouch for it's accuracy or origin, I just like the quote.

"Full auto is a good way to turn money into noise", or something to that effect.

Sometimes I use the bounce technique to convert money into noise. It's fun, but I only do it on personal property. Never on a public range where others can be bothered or endangered by my boobery.

Remember, when using the bounce or one of the Crap-fire devices, always make sure of your backstop! All these devices are a great if you want to bounce rounds over the berm/backstop, especially if shooting something larger than a 10/22.

Mad Dog is correct in his estimation of these products. If you must "whack off", please do so responsibly.
I just think it's amazing how this thread went from a piece o' crap trigger mod to spanking the monkey. Just pray the anti-gunners don't ever get wind of this . . .
Several years back, when I had a Mini-14, I bought a Hellfire device. While it worked after a fashion, aimed single round fire was almost impossible due to the radically increased trigger pull.
Where is that device now? Reposing in a decent burial place called the city dump. I equivocate the Hellfire device with fecal material. Nuff said?
Paul B.
If I'm not mistaken, the California Penal Code makes it a felony to breathe. ;)

May your lead always hit center mass and your brass always land in your range bag.

I had a "BMF Activator" which worked flawlessly on a 10/22. It attach to the trigger housing and looked like a fishing reel handle. Each time you turned the handle a full revolution, a cam pushed a piece of plastic against the trigger three or four times. Since you had to crank with your left hand and hold and aim with your right, it worked best from a rest. It would empty a 30 round clip pretty fast!

A local gun store had two 10/22 actions mounted sideways with their tops facing inward and the magazines outward on a contraption with a tripod. It had a crank like a gatling gun that did the same thing as the BMF Activator- but to two guns at the same time. They were set to hit the same point of aim at 100 yards. It was all welded together and pretty sturdy looking. They wanted $1000 for it at the time.

This was 17 years ago, and I don't know if either are legal and/or available.
I had a "BMF Activator" which worked flawlessly on a 10/22. It attach to the trigger housing and looked like a fishing reel handle. Each time you turned the handle a full revolution, a cam pushed a piece of plastic against the trigger three or four times. Since you had to crank with your left hand and hold and aim with your right, it worked best from a rest. It would empty a 30 round clip pretty fast!

A local gun store had two 10/22 actions mounted sideways with their tops facing inward and the magazines outward on a contraption with a tripod. It had a crank like a gatling gun that did the same thing as the BMF Activator- but to two guns at the same time. They were set to hit the same point of aim at 100 yards. It was all welded together and pretty sturdy looking. They wanted $1000 for it at the time.

This was 17 years ago, and I don't know if either are legal and/or available.

The Second Ammendment is not about the right to hunt.