Mule ears

44 Dave

New member
This might be a gunsmith question, but though cowboys might have a better answer.
I want extended ears on my Chinese made coach gun, like Pedersoli's Wyatt Earp. Would buy Dixie's wax cast blanks if I could weld extensions on them. I don't want to mess with the original ones,case I screw up.
I have this gun slicked up and the chambers honed, but the ears are to short to cock both at the same time.
Just curious . . . why do you want to cock them both at the same time? I've shot both double percussion and double breech loading shotguns with hammers. Due to the geometry of the barrels (wider at the breech and tapering to the muzzle) most left and right hand locks do not sit parallel - i.e. cocking is not parallel and straight back - yes, the hammer cocks straight in reference to the lock plate but not in reference to each other. I suppose it could be done but it doesn't seem like a very safe thing to do even if a person does have large hands and long thumbs. I understand that if using the double in a timed competition that time is everything but even so, it still doesn't seem like a safe practice to develop . . . at least around others.
Both hammers are cocked on the empties and barrels opened in one motion then empties dumped and reload, not much different than hammer-less that cock when opened.

You might want to run this idea past PaleWolf Brunelle over on the SASS Wire before you do it. Sounds like you may be running afoul of the External Modification rules.

Yes, in CAS it is common practice to cock both hammers at the same time with a single swipe of the hand.

The low profile of the hammers on my old Stevens hammered double do not allow for this, and I don't really care how fast I shoot, so it is not a problem for me.

why not just look for the right hammers ? several diffrent places sell castings Dyson and Sons or Blackly and Son are a couple that come to mind
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