Muggerlovers invade Colorado Springs


Staff Alumnus
From today's Gazette:
Group pushes new gun laws
By Raquel Rutledge/The Gazette
Story editor Bill Vogrin; headline by Gary Houy

A grass-roots effort to tighten gun laws in Colorado Springs has the support of at least a couple [of] elected leaders and Police Chief Lorne Kramer.

About 15 citizens have formed what they are informally calling the Gun Violence Prevention Group and hope to bring proposals to the City Council next month.

Ideas being considered are essentially the same as those state and national legislators are debating:

-Safe storage of guns.[1]
-Raising the minimum age to purchase handguns to 21 from 18.[2]
-Extending the waiting period to purchase guns to three days from one.[3]
-Requiring permits to carry weapons in cars.[4]

"We're looking at everything and saying 'Do these things make sense for our community.'" said Ann Oatman-Gardner, spokeswoman for the group. "We haven't ruled out anything yet."

The group formed in response to the Columbine High School tragedy in April that left 15 dead.

"It's a public issue," Oatman-Gardner said. "What we're doing is one small piece of what this community needs to do. You have to deal with why people want to pull the trigger. This is something we know how to do, which is pass laws."[5]

Kramer says something needs to be done about what he sees as the city's liberal laws allowing people to carry weapons in their cars without permits.

"If one of our officers stops a group a young people in the car and discovers a weapon in the car - assuming they're all adults - there is no action the officer can take," Kramer said.

That is especially a problem when officers stop known gang members, Kramer said.

"Our prosecution of people with criminal attempts have dropped to almost nil," he said.[6]

While the council appears divided over guns, Kramer has an ally in Councilman Richard Skorman[7], who has attended a few of meetings of the gun violence prevention group. He agrees the city needs to act, especially to keep guns away from children.

"Their access to guns is tremendous," Skorman said. "We regulate young adults under 21 in terms of drinking, but they can have as many guns as they want and they can drive around with them on their front seats and the police can't do anything about it.

"It's unconscionable that we're allowing them this level of access without parental supervision or responsibility."[8]

Mayor Mary Lou Makepeace also voiced support for the group's effort.[9]

"There is nothing more disturbing to me than the combination of kids and guns," Makepeace said.[10] "I am very interested in seeing what we can do to put the brakes on that.

"We have child-proof covers for aspirin, for instance.[11] That is not an onerous requirement to prevent accidents that we typically see in younger kids. When it comes to protecting children, that supersedes the convenience of a gun owner."[12]
Others, including Lionel Rivera and Joanne Colt, say the city has enough laws and should work on better enforcement of them.

"The people that obey those laws are the same people that are not going to do something stupid with their gun anyway," Colt said. "The criminals don't care what's on the books. The criminals are laughing. Criminals will always find access to guns."

Rivera cited the U.S. Constitution as one reason to keep the city out of the debate.

"We probably have a role to keep (guns) out of city buildings and probably out of council meetings," Rivera said. "Government's role should be as limited as possible when it comes to the Second Amendment."

Councilman Ted Eastburn, a cardiologist, sees shootings as a public health issue and is organizing an October community forum to discuss it.[13]

"Everybody seems to be racing toward legislation," Eastburn said. "I'm not on board for that. I don't know that it's a legislative issue at all. I'm trying to offer a different way of looking at the problem by framing the question in the manner of a health problem instead of a law enforcement or judicial or constitutional rights problem and then tease out the data and see where it

Council members Linda Barley, Jim Null and Leon Young did not to[sic] return phone calls for this story. Councilman Bill Guman was out of town and could not be reached.
1: Safe for the criminals, that is.
2: You must be 21 NOW to buy a handgun in C-Springs.
3: There is no waiting period now.
4: The vehicle is, according to Sheriff Anderson, an extension of one's home. Should we require permits to carry at home?
5: Laws which will only restrict the good guys' ability to fight back, and which will be IGNORED by criminals.
6: Ah-HA! So what's the point of passing new laws, when the bad guys aren't prosecuted for them anyway?
7: Skorman is the most bleeding of the bleeding hearts on the council, and is a FOB. When he was elected, a collective scream of horror arose from the lips of local gunnies. Skorman owns three businesses downtown, and most of his customers are students at Colorado College, where the hard sciences are scorned. I suspect he was elected solely on the votes of this crowd.
8: Typical lib-speak: "Their parents won't supervise them, so we must."
9: Makepeace is known around here as Queen Mary. She routinely ignores the Council and implements her own desires as law.
10: Queen Mary should drop by Cactus Flats on Wednesday evenings, when the FFA kids have their trap meets. Good kids, every one. Damn good shots, too.
11: And who can open the besh!tted things? KIDS.
12: Let me get this straight: by making gun owners bow to these insane laws, we're keeping our kids safe? From whom?
13: Great. Another MD weighing in on a criminology debate. There's a qualified observer for ya.
14: How about reading some of the books already in existence, like "More Guns, Less Crime"?

AAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!!! Dennis, how's the unemployment rate in Canyon Lake?

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Hang on a sec. Gotta take my Maalox. (gulp, gulp).

Canyon Lake has pretentions of employment, but the money's in San Antonio - about a 45-60 minute commute. New Braunfels is about 20-40 minutes away (depending upon your home location) and Austin about an hour or so (but bad traffic congestion).

Cost of living can be low or high, depending upon your neighborhood. (Too expensive in San Antonio.) My property taxes last year went up - to a bit over $600. (That's for the YEAR! Not monthly. ;) )

Our county Sheriff hires good people (99%) and the folks here support our Deputies. (How long has it been since you've seen citizens stop with their cell phone in hand to "back up" a Deputy when he stops a car full of people? Yes, there's more but this is not the thread for it.)

Ranges within a half hour, cooler temps than San Antonio, pretty much laissez faire but you can become as involved as you like in local activities - there ARE a bunch!

Schools fairly conservative (by today's standards), lot of fishing (many lakes + 3-4 hours from the Gulf), golf clubs, etc.

Texas is a "shall issue" state with few restrictions, thanks to George Jr's gambit to replace Ann Richards. Takes a couple hundred bucks (all told) to get a CHL.

C'mon down. I'll show you the ranges, pay your fees (first time, anyway) and when we're through shooting, and the guns are "put up", the first Shiner Bock's on me!
I particularly liked (NOT!) this quote:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>This is something we know how to do, which is pass laws.[/quote]

Yep, and that's about all...

And this one:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"If one of our officers stops a group a young people in the car and discovers a weapon in the car - assuming they're all adults - there is no action the officer can take," Kramer said.[/quote]

Seems a little misdirected to me. If they are adults and haven't used that weapon (could include knives, ya know) in a crime, why should the officer take any action?

I was taught that laws were written for those who violated others' rights, and to dictate the appropriate punishment, not to create criminals based on suspicion alone...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited September 01, 1999).]
I wish I was on this board last year. I was in SA running a job on the corner of Flores and Durango (7 story hotel, yeah just what SA needs I know.) Met a great girl from Seguin I should have married. We went to Canyon Lake and rented a pontoon boat at about 9:50 (10 min before closing) and the guys there said take my time getting back, shoot for midnight they said, now that is hositality and male understanding of situations or what, still remember the smell of mesquite and water, and her. Great state of Texas and the most beautiful woman anywhere.
Canyon Lake and Sequin are still here. We still have pontoon boats. And the stars at night are still big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas.

Y'all c'mon back now, ya hear? ;)
Wow, Coin - you're highly organized with the footnotes and all - allows you to systematically rip the antis apart - I like it.

[remainder of post deleted due to my misread]

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 01, 1999).]
Organized? Moi? You should see my desk. Seriously, I'm planning on attending this October meeting, and I'll have some talking points written down.

I may even bring copies of "Metal and Wood" to give to the other attendees. :) Logic doesn't mean squat to these fools, so we gotta get 'em by the heartstrings.

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper
Coinneach, I think I see why sometimes you come off as a little touchy. Those kind of shenanigans could sure try my patience and make me cranky.
If you're serious about moving to a state where you can still find decent attitudes towards things like firearms, personal reponsibility,and self defense, check out . Plenty of places for good professional "computer geeks" here.
Hell with that. As H.R. Haldeman said, "When you've got them by teh balls their hearts and minds will follow."

Oops, wrong war. But I think you're onto something with the emotional thing - just gotta find the right 'fear' buttons that might make them think their lives are worth fighting for, and by the way, the only one who will do the job right is - YOU, yourself (whose life is it, anyway?).

Good luck, M2

A little touchy? You're kidding, right? ;)

Yeah, sometimes I get so furious at this never-ending war that it spills over. My apologies, guys, I don't mean to alienate anyone here. (note to self: think twice, post once)

I'm going to discuss this particular issue with the Pikes Peak Firearms Coalition leadership. Perhaps we can stop this so-called "gun violence prevention group" in its tracks.

"Taking a long view of history, we may say that
anyone who lays down his arms deserves whatever he gets."
--Jeff Cooper