Muffs for Competition?


New member
Any recommendations for good (and relatively inexpensive) earmuffs for competitive shooting? I normally just use a standard pair of old fashioned muffs or plugs when shooting by myself. I assume those will be a hindrance when lots of people are shooting and talking though?
To a certain extent, depends on what you are shooting, and/or competition. Most of the time, I use Peltor and they make a range or muff types. As you know, they should all carry a DB rating to address the ambient noise. I like to limit the extension that would interfere with my cheak weld so I use an old set of shotgun muffs and when I need additional protection, I insert ear plugs. I also have higher DB rated muffs that I take along and most of these are industrial types. The point is to try and get as close to the DB rating as possible. One size may not fit all. Duration of exposure is also a consideration.

Be Safe !!!
Pahoo (or anyone), who makes the best electronic industrial muffs, and where might I get a set? I understand that 33dB NRR is about the tops. I ordered a set of Pro Ears Pro Mag rated for 33, designed for indoor ranges, and they didn't suppress sound well at all. Sound amplification and quality were excellent. They just forgot to build them so they block loud noise.:rolleyes: Returned them to Cabelas for full refund. $327 out the door.

As for Sunstealer's question. I'm hearing a lot of good things about Peltor. So much so that I have a pair of Tac 7S's on the way. Still want something heavier for indoors.
Here's a good, quality manufacturer of ear muffs. I recently switched to this brand and find them very well priced and functional regarding the protection rating. I don't go cheap for ear protection. I'm one of those shooters who has lost some hearing. It sucks and it will not return. I've used electronic muffs, which are fine, but when shooting indoors around an exhaust fan, they were not reasonable. When outdoors try the muffs alone. You may not need to use the plugs as well. I used both and never had problems hearing the commands, etc. They both worked well for me. Because when I was done shooting, I removed the muffs to reload my mags at the bench. With others still shooting my ears were still protected with the plugs. Save those ears!
Pahoo (or anyone), who makes the best electronic industrial muffs, and where might I get a set?
Understand that I have limited experience with what all is out there or the latest and greatest. For the electronic types, I still have to go with Peltor. Also keep in mind tha you can add to the protection by doubling up with a set of good ear plugs. Those two part molded plugs that are moulded to your own ear canal, work great, especially with the addition of ear muffs. For my age, i'd say that my hearing is very good and due mostly to the protection I have used in the industrial work that I did. I still can hear a squirrel climbing up a tree where my younger buddy cannot.

Be Safe !!!
"...assume those will be a hindrance..." Nope. They'll be just fine. You don't need anything fancy for competitive shooting.
Best combo I've found is plain ole foam plugs with Peltors cranked up. That way I hear well enough not to be yelling at people and get great protection also.

Some guys can wear this set up while rifle shooting. I can not.

When talking about hearing protection and IPSC in the same sentence ya gotta throw in the open gun scenario. I've RO'ed some of those guys shooting in a hallway. I'd clip the timer to my belt, beep them, and then press the muffs against my head. Still LOUD. I dont think there is an Open shooter out there whos ears dont ring at night.

I had a nurse in a class once who told me plugs alone wouldnt provide enough protection as the vibration would cause damage in itself. (BIR, thats what how she described it)

Have fun. Competing is a hoot.
Skip the muffs. Get custom molded silicon ear plugs. Cost about $45-50. They're phenomenal. Comfortable and dampen sound well.

It's has an added benefit when rifle shooting b/c there is nothing to interfere with cheek weld.
I like to wear both electronic muffs and molded ear plugs when I shoot USPSA. I turn the volume up on the muffs so I can hear the commands but the plugs give me added protection. I do agree, they get hot here in Arizona during the summer. However, when they get hot I take the muffs off for a minute or two and still have the plugs in place if folks are continuing to shoot.
The best electronic muff on the market is probably the MSA Supreme Pro model. The big difference with these is that rather than cut-off when their programmed decibel threshold is exceeded, they reduce the peak level through digital processing. So there's no interruption in the throughput of the ambient sound.

And they're only $300! -

Personally I use the slim Leight Impact Sport muff for pistol and double plug with these for rifle.
I have ProEars which work the same fundamental way as the Sordins. They didn't attenuate the report enough to wear alone and weren't loud enough to hear normal speech any better with earplugs underneath. So now I wear NRR 33 plugs alone if I need to communicate and those plugs cheap muffs if I need maximum attenuation.