MTV's "Kennedy" on Rosanne


New member
Ex-MTV-video-disc-jockey was on Rosanne yesterday. She has a tattoo of the Republican elephant on her crotch. She used to be an avid Republican, even though you would never guess by looking at her and the way she dresses (very wierd). She said that in the last few years "the Repulican party has gone a direction that I am not going...I am more of a Libertarian now". Much like many of us she stated almost verbatim : "I didn't leave the Republican party...they left me."

She also said "we need to break from this nanny-society we have and learn some responsibility...which comes with a price, but also personal freedom".

Her gun comments were that it is just unfortunate that we live in a society where people have to protect themselves from predators that roam free. She wasn't really given the opportunity to say more than that.

If you know who she is, or saw her, you would see why this is a unique thing to hear from someone like her. She said that neither the Dems nor the Repubs are moving toward freedom anymore, and that the "liberals just ain't cutting it" with all their womb-to-tomb socialist babysitting of the populace which takes away our freedoms and gives gov't power.

I think it is cool that someone young and hip like her can think for herself! It seems that these days if you are young, hip and dress non-conservative that it is a social requirement that you be a liberal-Democrat. She obviously truly thinks for herself unlike the droves of college students I am surrounded with who are liberal-Democrats just because their favorite Rock-star tells them to be.

...and with a name like, "Kennedy".

Thanks for the good-reading post, Thaddeus. It gives me a good feeling to shove the "Kids these days" comments up some old fart's poop deck.

Sailor Grump
Ah, yeah... Kennedy... I know her. She is a little Colorful, but cool... LOVE HER!

I am thoroughly surprised. While watching her on MTV she had always come off (to me) as an airhead who couldn't keep a train of thought on the tracks for more than 60 seconds. I'll have to re-evaluate my opinion of her.

Did she say what she was is doing now on the Rolly O show?

Another surprise about MTV VJs was when they were doing a 'where are they now?' on the first set and they show JJ Jackson at the range. I think he was shootin' a Ruger.

- Ron v.

The traditional enemies of the Kennedy clan were the Craufords (or Crawfords). Another useless comment from the dustbin of history.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
A tattoo of the GOP Elephant on her crotch?... If that isn't a thought provoking statement, then I don't know what is! Seriously, I am glad to hear that the WHOLE MTV/VJ/Music Video crowd wasn't a bunch of card carrying liberals who're just mouth pieces for what ever "artist" had a political message. Only thing is, the only two salvagable ones that were mentioned and that we've heard of are (regretably) Ex-VJ's
Unkel Gilbey
Some of the most intelegent musicians are very conservitive -
Henry Rollins, IQ of over 135 - big time shooter and conservative.
Rob Zombie, IQ over 135 - Same... Conservative, and is in favor of RKBA.

This is interesting... But true...


Zombie may embrace some ideals generally considered conservative, but that don't necessarily make him one.

Zombie is a...

(hold your breath)


OK, you can all scream in horror now.

One of LaVeyan Satanism's most important precepts is "self-preservation is the highest law." Which, when you think about it, isn't much different than "If a man comes to kill you, rise up and kill him first" in the Old Testament.

BTW, Zombie's brand of Satanism doesn't include killing children or sacrificing chickens or any of that nonsense.

OK. Christians, aim your flamethrowers this way.

"America is at that awkward stage.
It's too late to work within the system,
but too early to start shooting the bastards."
--Claire Wolfe
Ahhh yess......Anton LeVay......Mr Devil Worshipper himself. 'Do as you will shall be the whole of the law'. I am a Christian,and you are right about Zombie........
Actually Rob Zombie is more Libertarian.

Satanic Eh? Yeah, will so is Senate... After all - they voted to keep prayers out of schools!

I am christian as well - so flame me too...

An elephant tattoo? There?
Wouldn't that be more appropriate for a guy? (Ouch!)

((Well, hell, somebody had to say it....))
