MSNBC Poll - Should teachers be allowed to carry guns?

Only 32% opposed, 63% for "shall issue" carry, if that is the meaning of the first option.

NO surprise at the result, I think, but I bet the savants at MSNBC are wondering where all the pro-carry votes came from. Obviously no one they have ever met or talked to....
Actually, the correct wording should be:

"Should teachers be prohibited from carrying guns?", not should they be "allowed" to carry guns.
After I voted just a moment ago...

62% Yes, Any teacher should be allowed to decide if he/she needs to carry a gun.
5.8% Yes, but only in the country's most dangerous school districts.
32% No. Guns have no place in schools.

By the way, was Columbine a part of the nation's most dangerous districts? I don't think so. But of course they did not consider that when forming the multiple choice answers.
Doesn't this whole argument infringe on the second amendment. Oh wait that doesn't matter sadly.

Well I can tell you that some schools security is a joke. and walking onto a campus is the easiest thing to do. And some districts will not improve security even with the insurance company saying they should.

Staff with guns would be a huge deterrent.
I suppose it doesn't occur to the MSNBC folks that 4/5 of states are right to carry... Why the heck is this even a question?