If you skinned the little one, I got some tips to insure moisture and increase flavor.
Get a couple pounds of "fatback" or odds and ends cheap smoked bacon, several bulbs of garlic if you like it, and several apples.
Take a filet knife and pierce straight in on all large cuts such as all four hams, and the neck and back. stuff a half thumb size piece of the bacon, a third to half clove of garlic (3rd for large clove, half for smaller cloves), a 3/4 inch or so cube of apple into each slot. You could have 40-75 of these slots. Make slits along grain not across it for best results.
I have stuffed the cavity of smaller pigs and sewn up with stainless safety wire and wrapped with foil for first hour or 2 cooking time.
Best of luck with the roast! AND ANNIVERSARY!