Mrs Danzig said something wonderful..


New member
I just got home for R&R and my wife and are are sitting in our motel room discussing politics and she said something that I just had to share...

Too many people here and elsewhere are voting one way or the other simply so that the other party does not win the election. They are voting against someone else. What a negative concept!

Unlike those people, some of us will be able stand proudly with our heads held high and say that we voted FOR our candidate! What a positive outlook!
Hey Danzig,

Thanks for your service! I read Mrs Danzig's speech and thought it was great. I wish I could have been there in person, but work got in the way.
Come November, I'll be voting for my candidate that I feel will be the best for the US over the next four years. I'm pretty indifferent as to who the competition is this time.
Unlike those people, some of us will be able stand proudly with our heads held high and say that we voted FOR our candidate! What a positive outlook!

Sorry, but other than giving me goosebumps if I were to do that, how does that help the nation?

Feel-goods only get you so-far, then reality has to set in eventually.
and therein lies the battle cry of the do-nothing party.

"Vote for us, or Obama gets to pick your SCOTUS. We may suck, but our liberal candidate is better than your liberal candidate."

Sorry, but I will not waste my vote by throwing it away in the hopes that McCain will spare me. I will vote FOR the candidate that best represents me, instead of voting AGAINST the candidate that least represents me.
Sorry, but I will not waste my vote by throwing it away in the hopes that McCain will spare me. I will vote FOR the candidate that best represents me, instead of voting AGAINST the candidate that least represents me.

That's fine, but I assume you are writing in yourself then?

Because voting FOR the candidate who best represents you is most likely yourself, anything less than that is settling for someone who is not like you.

That coupled with the fact that the person who may represent you most will not be representing you in the future of the country; you cannot dispute that one of the main parties (Democrat or Republican) will win the white house, not some third party. So then will you still feel warm and fuzzy when that happens?

I am not voting AGAINST Obama, I am voting FOR McCain, lets make that clear. Out of the given candidates who stand a chance, that being the key part, McCain is the most like me. Read that carefully and a few times if need be, because most like me out of the choices does not mean I agree with him on everything in the least.
I will vote FOR the candidate that best represents me, instead of voting AGAINST the candidate that least represents me.
Fair enough. I'll be voting for the candidate whose Supreme Court Justice nominations most likely best represent me.