
Harley, is that 'field stripping' or "field dressing?" .
As a certain redhead said "please explain", as I have never heard of this before.

***Big Bunny***
Big Bunny:
Sounds like a "Chain Jerker."
Field strip to me refers to a partial disassembly of a firearm. This comes from the military, as soldiers were sometimes required to clean their weapons in the field. This breaks the weapon down into the basic parts to clean and keep the gun funtionable.

Detail Disassembly would continue the "stripping" the clean or repari the stacking principle items. Trigger, sear etc.

Field Dress to me refers to a partial dismemberment or removal of intestines, heart, liver, throat and tounge, of an animal after it has been killed in the field.


[This message has been edited by Harley Nolden (edited September 08, 1999).]
Harley - I think I get your meaning, but what on earth is a "chain jerker" ...a critism?
Well, I often get into deep water for asking firearms questions, but I find most shooting people are pretty tolerant of genuine enquiry! (Which it actually was, as I didn't see your e-mail on the pistol query.)
If you don't ask you never learn...
All the very best and thanks for your help in the past over the Martini-Enfield 303, it is to be re-lined locally and I got the new block and springs from Cobb and Co in Melbourne.

***Big Bunny***
Not a critiism nor a bad remark. It means, to me, I realy had to think about it. Not knowing what part of the country or World many questions come from, one has to think sometimes what is ment by the question.

Sorry if I put your dander up, didn't mean to.

No,Harley, I was worried I had been discourteous to you and your excellent Home Page... (it takes far more than the East Timor situation and the UN, hoplophobes and "gun buy-backs" ).
All the very best - Rob.

***Big Bunny***