Mr. Gun Control ( Mayor Gavin Newsom ) to Run For California Governor in 2010


The Super Liberal Mayor of California has already begun work to prepare for running for Governor of California in 2010. As Mayor of one of California's most liberal cities, Newsom has led failed efforts to outlaw handguns in San Francisco, and also eliminate gun stores.

With his handsome good looks and charm, Newsom is considered to be an up and coming Democratic contender. He gain great publicity as being a leader of promoting gay rights in the state.

However, he has been marked with major personal scandal, when it was discovered that he cheated on his wife, and had an affair with the wife of one of his top political supporters, who also served in his administration!! Newsom had to endure much public humiliation at the time, and suffered through a painful divorce too.

Here is a recent photo of him at a Gay Pride event, with his current girlfriend:


When one considers all of the various candidates planning to run for Governor of California, it really looks bad for California gun owners, in my opinion.

State Treasurer Bill Lockyear is probably the most rabidly anti-gun of the bunch. For he served 8 years as California's Attorney General, overseeing the state's infamous Bureau of Firearms. He was responsible for the huge legal action that the state took against WalMart, ending their sales of guns in the state.

And he has cited that case as being his greatest achievement of his tenure as the State Attorney General: Getting rid of the states #1 retailer of firearms! And here WalMart did not even sell any handguns!

Checkout this story for more details about this important upcoming political race:

He'll get slaughtered. Looks like he is running against some stiff competition in his own party. Newsom makes Jerry Brown look like a staunch conservative - that is a little too liberal, even for California.
Jerry Brown is 70 years old now, though, and bald.

You think Californians would vote for him over a charming handsome younger man like Newsom?

Just look at who is currently serving as Governor of the State.

I doubt Lockyer has much of a chance. He comes off as pretty dull on TV and radio. Newsome is much better at courting the news media. Plus, in CA, I doubt Newsome's personal daliances will hurt him much. Some, but mostly among voters who wouldn't vote for him anyway.

I can't recall any Republicans in CA who carry much weight in the state any longer. Maybe McClintock. He's better with the media than Lockyer is, but not as good as Newsome is.

CA is circling the bowl right now: >$15B in debt, collapsed housing market, rising crime rate, tax base fleeing, thousands of unattended home swimming pools turning into mini-swamps and breeding tons of mosquitoes. If Californians elect Newsome as their governor, you might as well hit the plunger.
Jerry Brown is 70 years old now, though, and bald.

You think Californians would vote for him over a charming handsome younger man like Newsom?

Just look at who is currently serving as Governor of the State.

Just because San Francisco loves Newsom does not mean the rest of California will, where as the rest of California has already proved they can stomach Jerry Brown because he has already been the Governor, the Attorney General, the Mayor of Oakland and a Presidential candidate. Plus, with that much knowledge of California politics, Brown would have no problem painting Newsom as a bumbling idiot out on the campaign trail, especially since Newsom makes it so easy. It has been awhile since I have sat down and watched cable news, but the last time I did it seemed San Francisco was the only city in California that was making the news at least once a week as a target of ridicule. I can't imagine how that won't come out in the race, and I can't imagine how the whole state of California will just ignore it. But, if for some reason Newsom ever does become Governor of California then I think that that major earthquake that is supposed to knock the state into the ocean just can't come soon enough.