

New member

I don't think I'll be dropping $8K or so anytime soon on an MP5 but I was curious about what's involved in purchasing a full auto gun. I have heard that owning a machine gun is not illegal (at least not here in TX) just that it requires special paperwork. Can anyone elighten me?

Thanks :D
You fill out the paperwork at the start of the process, which is 2 Form 4s, fingerprint cards, 2 passport type photos and the CLEO autograph. You send all of this with the check to AFT. For machineguns, SBRs and suppressors, it's $200. For AOWs it's $5. That is a one time fee. If you sell it, the next guy pays his fee.

When the paperwork clears, you get the gun and one Form 4. Make a copy of the Form 4 to carry when you take the gun out shooting and store the original somewhere safe.

If taking your NFA across state lines, for other than suppressors, you must get prior approval before the trip.

Edited to move info here for ease of reading.
Hkmp5sd, I thought you could take AOW's out of state without notifying ATF as long as they were legal in your destination state. I hadn't heard that about suppressors but I never checked either. I happen to have more interest in suppressors than AOW's or MG's so I am pleased to hear it.