MP5 3 Point Tactical Assualt Sling


I would greatly appreciate any info. anyone may have on where to find the 3 Point Tactical Assualt Slings for the H&K MP5 style weapons used by most tactical operators i.e. LA Sheriff SWAT, Navy Seal CQB, State Dept. Protective Services, Etc. The version I've seen is always olive drab this would due, however I would prefer black...I've had no luck finding them from any tactical suppy company nor H&K...the closest I've found are made for AR15 and M16 style weapons....Any suggestions and or leads would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance...
Use the search feature here on Giles slings and Chalker rigs. The Giles sling is basically the standard and the Chalker rig is supposed to be excellent also.
hi graham,
if you are interested in moving up to a better sling than the factory hk, visit for a quick release tac sling from tactical tailor for the hk series rifles. i've got em in stock and ready to ship.
best regards,

tactical accessories for self-defense and le