Moving to Vermont--hopefully


New member
I'm not sure if this is the right forum but, I may be moving to Vermont and would like to know how to go about buying a handgun either from a dealer or privately. Any help would be appreciated.
Gosh I wish Vermont was in Dixie land - I'd move there myself. Too bad New Hampshire doesn't have the same freedoms, despite their license plate slogan "Live Free or Die".
Twoshoes, is that a serious inquiry? If so, yes I believe Vermont is the only state with it's namesake type of weapons carry ("Vermont-style"), which means anyone may carry a gun, open or concealed, without any licensing requirement. That's how it oughtta be. Don't know about the extent of other Vermont gun laws. Also, I'm not saying NH is anti-gun - don't know - just thought it a little ironic that they're next door to VT with that slogan yet no vermont-style carry.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited October 31, 1999).]
Futo Inu--Thanks. I'm from north-western Canada and was unaware of Vermont's name-sake carry laws. Again ,thanks.
From the Traveler's Guide to the Firearm Laws of the Fifty States: Vermont

Handgun ownership: Unrestricted, no permit or
license required

Rifle and Shotgun ownership: Unrestricted, no permit or license required

Semi-auto "assault weapon" ownership: Unrestricted, no permit or license required

Automatic Weapon ownership: No state restrictions, compliance with federal law only

Concealed Carry: no license required; no carry on the grounds of any "state institution"

Vehicle carry and transportation: Rifles and shotguns carried in a vehicle must be unloaded; handguns may be carried loaded and concealed

Strength does not come from physical capacity.
It comes from an indomitable will. -- Mahatma Gandhi