Moving to MD, Questions


Good day gents,

I hope this post finds everybody well and happy shooting.
I looked through the old posts to find the answers to my questions, but I wanted to make sure that the information is still up-to-date.

Here is the scenario:
I will be moving to Maryland from California, and I want to bring my CZ-P01 (9mm) with me.

1. Do I need to notify the security officers at the airport that I have a firearm in my luggage?
2. Do I need to have the firearm inside a secured container?
3. Does the firearm need to be unloaded, apart from an unloaded magazine?
4. Does the magazine need to be in a different secured container? And rounds?
5. What are the firearms transportation laws in Maryland?
6. Do I need to register my firearm, and take any tests to own a firearm in MD?
7. Is there a mandated way to possess and secure firearms? For example, can I have a loaded firearm inside my residence?

I am sorry for the many questions, but such small lapses can bring about unwarranted life devastating penalties.

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you.
I would call the airport. About 4 years ago I followed instructions for check in and somewhere between Houston and LI NY my suitcase was broken into. Fortunately the guns were in a locked case inside the locked suitcase, The suitcase lock was easy to break but the lock on the gun case was too difficult to break and the gun case was too large to hide and sneak out of the luggage area. has a good summary of the procedures for flying with guns, and some airline ratings.

1. Notify clerk when checking in luggage, they may ask you to show them the gun is unloaded, the suitcase should not be marked in any special way, clerk will place a tag inside the luggage.
2. Yes, regulations require hard locked case, for which only you have the key. Can be entire suitcase or interior case
3. Yes, unloaded, and most airlines will not accept loaded magazines, ammo best kept in original boxes if you have them. Airlines differ on whether gun and ammo can be in same case, and amount you are allowed to carry.
4. Magazine as long as it is empty is not regulated.
5. See Maryland on
6. According to above handguns need to be registered so check on MD laws before you go.
7. Should not be an issue to have loaded gun in MD residence, concealed carry requires permit which is hard to obtain.

Transportation regs in MD

A person may transport a handgun if they can demonstrate that the handgun is being carried, worn or transported: • To or from a place of legal purchase or sale, or repair
shop; • Between a person’s bona fide residences, or between
his residence and place of business, if the business is
operated and substantially owned by that person; • While engaged in, or traveling to and from a target shoot, formal or informal target practice, sport shooting event, hunting, trapping, or dog obedience training
class or show; or • By a bona fide gun collector who is moving any part or
all of his gun collection from place to place for public or private exhibition. During transportation to and from the above places
the handgun must be unloaded and carried in an enclosed case or enclosed holster. An additional penalty is provided for any person convicted of unlawfully wearing, carrying or transporting a handgun, if his deliberate purpose was to injure or kill another person.

MD has list of banned assault handguns, but I expect the list is shorter than CA's.
1. Do I need to notify the security officers at the airport that I have a firearm in my luggage?
2. Do I need to have the firearm inside a secured container?
3. Does the firearm need to be unloaded, apart from an unloaded magazine?
4. Does the magazine need to be in a different secured container? And rounds?
5. What are the firearms transportation laws in Maryland?
6. Do I need to register my firearm, and take any tests to own a firearm in MD?
7. Is there a mandated way to possess and secure firearms? For example, can I have a loaded firearm inside my residence?
1. Good question........ I also need to find that out myself
2. Yes!
3. Yes!
4. No, as far as what I read on Southwest Airlines website as far as transporting firearms on the plane
5. Must be unloaded and open at all times while in transit, handguns can not just be transported for no reason like rifles and shotguns.
6. This is actually your choice as far as I know, if you were to call MSP the answer will most likely change depending on who you talk to
7. No law against having loaded firearms in the home, its actually encouraged

If I may ask, what area in this wonderful state will you be moving to?
Im also in MD about to purchase my first handgun, ONE reason being im moving around the Baltimore/harford county area, and I plan on having a firearm in my home for my protection. Another reason being ive been shooting with some friends lately and its alot of fun going to the range and shootin.

One thing I have wanted to know and cant seem to find anywhere between all the jipperish laws of this great can i carry it in the truck, loaded, just in never know these days what can come ones way. I see u can carry if u have a permit, but what would that take??
NF, you most certainly may NOT carry a loaded handgun in your vehicle unless you have a MD carry permit, which, unless you're a politician or celebrity, is essentially impossible to obtain.
There is NO registration required to bring your CZ into MD.

There is a "recordation of sale" for all transfers done in state. You cannot sell the gun in MD without going through the state police or a licensed dealer.

The only storage law here states that you must secure your loaded firearms to keep unsupervised minors from gaining access.

No test required to own the guns you currently have. You will have to pass a simple online course to purchase a handgun or rifle designated as an "assault weapon" in MD.
dude,i dont know which part of md you are moving into but,if you can make it into virginia,you will be a whole lot better off,damn maryland sucks
I don't care what you read or hear. My advice is to call the airport you are leaving from and the airport you are arriving at for at least a 2nd opinion. You can call anonymously.
Some airline carriers of guns go online to the airline site and print off couple copies of that airlines rules. Many find that many emp dont know/follow the rules but like to make up as they go.

Get two/three copies and supply one to the check in person/s.

I will be moving to Maryland from California,

You are now living in California. I don't think that Maryland's gun laws could be any worse. Better? Maybe not. Worse? Highly unlikely.
As a Maryland resident, I'd recommend Virginia. Things may improve here but it will take a long time.
Hello all,

Thank you for your replies.
Since then I have moved to Maryland and I would like to share my experiences flying across the country with my pistol.

I flew out with American Airlines in a regional airport in California. Before I departed, I called AA to ask what is their policy regarding traveling with a pistol to confirm the advices that were given on here.

The check in process was normal with the exception that I had to declare that there was a pistol in my luggage. This prompted the check-in attendant to require me to sign a small document stating that the pistol was unloaded.

Afterward I was directed to go to another location where another personnel directed me to unlock my pistol case and demonstrated that the pistol was indeed unloaded. All I did was showed to him that there was no magazine in the pistol, and then racked the slide to demonstrate that there was no round in the chamber.

Then I put the pistol back into the hard plastic case and lock it up with the same cable lock that came with the pistol when I first bought it.

I brought along around 200 rounds of 9mm and 500 rounds of .22 in its original paper container.

It was a simple process. Again, thank you for all of your advices.