Moving to Colorado from Texas


Looks like this is happening. Specifically, I'll be moving to the Denver area. I'll need to get a new CHL there. What are the gun laws like in CO? I know they have open carry, but it is illegal in Denver. I saw that the state legislature is mostly Democrat, but CO seems like a pretty gun friendly state. Are they mostly blue dogs or something? I saw that they allow concealed carry at CSU, so that's saying something.

Looking forward to hiking, mountain climbing, bicycling, having lots of public hunting land, white water rafting, and skiing for years to come!
I moved to Colorado Springs in 2001 when I was 18, went to college in the four corners area and came back to the city a couple years ago. It's a pretty gun friendly state, lots of weekend gun shows, lots of people who shoot and we have the "Castle Doctrine."

I've heard that in Denver they have quite a few gun ranges, and a quick GIS confirms this.

I don't want to get too political, but I've never considered gun rights to be a liberal vs. conservative issue. I'm a bleeding heart liberal and I belong to the NRA AND the 2nd Amendment Foundation. I think there are a lot of people like that out here, not necessarily Blue Dog Dems, but just pro gun people who happen to be progressives.

We are gun friendly. If fact Denver is considered most armed city in US. :) heard that on TV :rolleyes:
I don't have concealed care licence, so I'm not much help to you there.
But, i think, you gonna like it here. Plenty of stuff to do, and to see if you like outdoors.
Denver has some dumb gun-laws, and managed to evade parts of the preemption legislation (AWB and OC, if I remember correctly). Colorado, as a state is pretty good for gun-laws.
Fortunately, the area that City of Denver covers is significantly smaller than "the Denver area."

City of Denver should be assiduously avoided. The rest of the state is pretty good.

Shall-issue CWP and few other restrictions except for City of Denver. Did I mention you should avoid the City of Denver?
Denver has some draconian firearms laws. They at one time -- I understand it has been repealed -- confiscated cars in which a firearm was carried.

Open carry is verboten in Denver. Don't try it.

Denver has an assault weapons law.

Denver proper is firearms hostile.

By the way, Colorado is a Class 3 state <grin>. See for when the next .50 cal machine gun shoot will be held.
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jimpeel said:
Here is a good write up on SB-25 which changed much of the state's firearms restrictive laws.

Jim, that's a good discussion ... but it's a 2003 article about a proposed state senate bill. Did the bill pass? If so, where is it codified in state statutes?
Aguila Blanca


Senate Bill 03-025: Preemption of Firearm Regulation (VERY GOOD) by Senator Dyer. Recognizes that firearms regulation is a matter of statewide concern. Prohibits a local government from adopting an ordinance, resolution, or other law that would impose a greater restriction on a person's ability to own, possess, carry, use, or transfer a firearm than is imposed by state law. Identifies imposition of a greater penalty as being a greater restriction. Specifies that an ordinance, resolution, or other law in existence as of the effective date of the act that violates the provisions of the act shall be deemed unauthorized and unenforceable on or after the effective date of the act. Recognizes that a zoning ordinance that applies equally to all commercial establishments is not a restriction on a person's ability to own, possess, carry, use, or transfer a firearm. Read Text of Bill (Requires Acrobat Reader)

bullet 01/08/2003 Introduced In Senate - Assigned to Judiciary
bullet 01/13/2003 Senate Committee on Judiciary Pass Amended to Senate Committee of the Whole
bullet 02/19/2003 Senate Second Reading Passed with Amendments
bullet 02/24/2003 Senate Third Reading Passed with Amendments on a 18-17-1 vote
bullet 02/25/2003 Introduced In House - Assigned to Judiciary
bullet 03/04/2003 House Committee on Judiciary Pass Unamended to House Committee of the Whole
bullet 03/13/2003 House Second Reading Special Order - Passed
bullet 03/14/2003 House Third Reading Passed
bullet 03/18/2003 Governor Owens signs into law
Sooooooooooooooooo, I COULD move in to Denver with my SKS? Because that's where we've found the best house for our money.
Haven't heard anything yet. The SKS is considered to be a fixed magazine rifle even though it is easy to change from a five to a thirty round mag in a couple of minutes -- and that is if you are moving slowly. The fact is that stripper clips are faster but don't say that out loud around a politician.

The law is pretty clear in its wording. No municipality can have any firearms law which exceeds state law. If I hear from Dudley I'll let you know.
Sounds good - my SKS, my wife, and I are going to Denver :-). We put in the offer on the house yesterday.
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If it comes down to it being verboten in Denver you can always store it at my house in Longmont, 34 miles north.

Haven't heard from Dudley.
So, we made it, and we're in Lakewood, not Denver (long story). We want to go hiking in a state park tomorrow (not national). Can I open carry in a state park?
Not sure about state parks. The following is no help either on that subject.

Go HERE to read about open carry regulations and "gotcha" laws. It is pretty iffy on where and how you can carry openly.
Welcome to Colorado. If you possibly can, I would move outside the city limits of Denver (they don't like magazines greater than 20 rounds). But The rest of the state is overwhelmingly friendly about guns! There are a lot of areas around Denver that are wonderful. I love it here.