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Moving threads to the semi-auto or revolver forum is stupid


New member
Those forums are a bad idea any way. This site is geting too fragmented as it is, no volume = no interest.

Don't screw up a good thing.

How about some of the advantages?

If you are searching topics for one flavor of gun, or the other, it can be accomplished faster.

Topics within the forums will now remain up and on display for a longer time, w/o having to page down.

If your interest lies primarily with one, more than the other, you need not weed through so many posts to get to the ones you desire.

Faster loading, now that the site has more than DOUBLED its membership in the 11 months that I've been here. I don't think the trend has plateaued, do you?

It's probably easier on our moderators, who's generousity with their time is much underappreciated here.

To be quite honest, I'd like to see this advancement in the rifle, and perhaps the scattergun forum also. My idea?:
Hunting and Sport Rifles Tactical & Defensive Rifles
The Defensive Shotgun The Sporting Shotgun

What do you all think?
I agree that it's a good idea. I like it. I'm essentially a revolver kind of guy, and I like not having to sort through 100 or more threads on one board from the last 2 to 5 days just to find something about revolvers.
I like the idea too. I like both semi-autos and revolvers but I like the idea of having it organized into two categories. That say when I want to look at revolver posts, I can go there and visa versa.
It just makes it a pain to check the boards. Now I have to check 3 boards instead of one looking for new handgun postings. It also lowers the volume of posts in a forum, one of the best things about TFL. It will make searching more of a pain two if you have to run a search in the old archived files (great resource) and at least one other forum.


Once again this will lead to lower volume in the forums and less interest. I prefer autos but I occasionaly posted to the revolver posts. If this continues I won't even see them.

Progress is not always forward... :rolleyes:

Then why have a "general" handgun board as well ? It only adds more confusion with posts being rerouted.

Watch the semi board grow while the revolver stagnates, you'll get fewer responses, people will be less inclined to post, and it makes reading separate boards for similar questions a pain in the arse. If YOU have a hard time finding revolver info...well, a separate board isn't going to be much of a help. And what about those times people are comparing the merits of semi's AND revolvers ???

I agree the handgun board moves at such a pace I can't keep up, but there has got to be a better way to separate posts.

A lot of posts are repeats of people doing the ol' "Is the Frook .45 better than the Sug 220 ?" I would link to a site that has all major handgun manufacturers listed on grid, calibers .22 through .454 listed vertically, manufacturer listed horizontally.

Glock 17,19,26,34

Glock 22,23,27

Glock 31,32,32

Glock 20,29

Glock 21,30,36

Ect. Ect....

Anyways, you get the idea of the layout, people could compare diferent calibers, sizes, manufacturers in an easy way, when you clicked on a link to a specific handgun, you would find a message thread(s) where people could write a review, at the end of each specific caliber there would be a board where people could compare and contrast diferent brands for a given caliber. Are you following me ? Don't laugh, I know nothing about webdesign, but it seems like my idea would sort out a lot of the fluff posts (I myself am guilty) of people comparing Ford vs. Chevy for the 10 Zillionth time.

Just my $10...
Good points all.
Some responses:
There are no archives on TFL...never has been. The search on the new software, when it's enabled, does not require a search of individual Forums....it searches *all* posts, quickly.

If high trafficked Forum is the standard for keeping one up, we might drop some of our best offerings, including AFCQC, Lock 'n Load, The Smithy, Competition, Suggestions and more. This suggestion was made by a Member and discussed at length at http://www.thefiringline.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=31019
The balance between clutter and specificity is, I agree, a judgement call. Someone has to make it and take the heat...that's why we get the big bucks. ;)
While some individuals may enjoy one gigantic forum full of handgun forums, others ignore the forum all together.

Advantages of one giant forum:
  • One stop shopping
  • No switching between mulitple forums
    • Extremely cluttered
    • New gun owners posting questions have their threads
    • buried
    • Tougher to go back to an interesting thread that got buried
    • Great for individuals who only have interests in either revolvers or semi's but not both
      Ever go to rec.guns? It's near impossible to follow a thread to its entirety. If you can, you have much more patience then myself and many others.

      Picture TFL with 15,000-20,000 gun owners. Picture the handgun forum at that time. Yikes!