So yes i am in my late 20's. I am planning on leaving in 10 to 12 months for South America. Since i have no debt, kids, or anything except my rent, it is time to leave.
I don't know when or if ill be back. I could be gone 2 years, i could be gone 5 years. I am not sure. I am selling everything i own except my music collection, and my firearms and ammo
I wont be telling any of my family or friends where i will put them. My family is not a firearm type, but i want to bury them incase something comes up and someone needs them. Then i would tell them where they are. This would most likely be a brother, or close friend.
So yes i want to bury them at a special location i will find here out in the country on safe property i know will not be touch for many years. That part will not be hard. I am not sure what to bury them in.
Their is no humidity here, its very very dry, winter and summer. The only reason it may feel humid at all, is cause you sweating..but the climate..very very dry.
I will burying a 9mm glock & 500 rounds, .22LR ruger and 1000rounds, 12guage and 500 rounds, ar-15 with 1700 rounds.
The box needs to be the length of the 12guage, so..
Length 45inches
Width 2 feet?
depth 2 to 3 feet.
ANy ideas is thank you.
I don't know when or if ill be back. I could be gone 2 years, i could be gone 5 years. I am not sure. I am selling everything i own except my music collection, and my firearms and ammo
I wont be telling any of my family or friends where i will put them. My family is not a firearm type, but i want to bury them incase something comes up and someone needs them. Then i would tell them where they are. This would most likely be a brother, or close friend.
So yes i want to bury them at a special location i will find here out in the country on safe property i know will not be touch for many years. That part will not be hard. I am not sure what to bury them in.
Their is no humidity here, its very very dry, winter and summer. The only reason it may feel humid at all, is cause you sweating..but the climate..very very dry.
I will burying a 9mm glock & 500 rounds, .22LR ruger and 1000rounds, 12guage and 500 rounds, ar-15 with 1700 rounds.
The box needs to be the length of the 12guage, so..
Length 45inches
Width 2 feet?
depth 2 to 3 feet.
ANy ideas is thank you.