Moving out of country, want to bury my guns in earth

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So yes i am in my late 20's. I am planning on leaving in 10 to 12 months for South America. Since i have no debt, kids, or anything except my rent, it is time to leave.

I don't know when or if ill be back. I could be gone 2 years, i could be gone 5 years. I am not sure. I am selling everything i own except my music collection, and my firearms and ammo

I wont be telling any of my family or friends where i will put them. My family is not a firearm type, but i want to bury them incase something comes up and someone needs them. Then i would tell them where they are. This would most likely be a brother, or close friend.

So yes i want to bury them at a special location i will find here out in the country on safe property i know will not be touch for many years. That part will not be hard. I am not sure what to bury them in.

Their is no humidity here, its very very dry, winter and summer. The only reason it may feel humid at all, is cause you sweating..but the climate..very very dry.

I will burying a 9mm glock & 500 rounds, .22LR ruger and 1000rounds, 12guage and 500 rounds, ar-15 with 1700 rounds.

The box needs to be the length of the 12guage, so..

Length 45inches
Width 2 feet?
depth 2 to 3 feet.

ANy ideas is thank you.
Don't bury them. Either sell them or buy a gun safe for storage at your brothers (?) house.
Should the need arise, the person you left them with will probably be much more appreciative only having to use a combination as opposed to going on a scavenger hunt for buried treasure.
if your concerned about entry into the safe, keep the combo secret until you decide the need is dire enough.
Well my brother is 21 and just entering that age, he knows i have them. He is not ready to own, plus he has been moving through 3 states in last 2 years.

The other people i trust are in deep city with no training.

I don't know how to store them without someone else holding them, but i don't trust anyone enough.

I will come back to America regardless, i can't see coming back in the first year, i will be too busy trying to make it.
If you do decide to bury it, you can get PVC pipe in just about any diameter and length you need. Cut it to length, glue caps on the ends to seal it, and you're done. Plus, the stuff is designed to be buried for long periods of time without breaking down.
Change of life, spiritual quest, new healing, adventure and many other things.

I am half portuguese and have never explored that side of my life, now it is time.
Burying them is no good, bring them to me and I will watch them for how ever long you need me to. I will protect them with my life, oil them from time to time and shoot them to keep them operating flawlessly. You take care bud and best wishes.
I agree with sealed PVC and heavily greased... Maybe even in vacuum bags also. Hmm, somewhere that wont be dug up and you can easily find untouched in the years to come. My pick would be a cemetery out in the country to bury em. No one is going to go diggin up anything there. :)
Garbage bags sealed with lotsa cheapo duct tape, inside of 5 gal buckets with lids that are caulked on with latex caulk. Then seal lid with more duct tape.

Works for 20 year burials, believe this. ;)

(fyi - take careful MEASUREMENTS of locations, within inches. Amazing how memory fades and vegetation grows an area to indiscernible proportions...)
If you are determined to bury, then Another vote for Schedule 40 PVC.
(I think you might be better looking for a friend or very small storage unit. )

I'm aware of an organization that cached weapons in places they would be needed in the future by putting the guns in 4" /6" PVC, (with some packing on each end) filling the tube with nitrogen, then sealing the pipe up with PVC cement.
The weapons were recovered many years later in the same condition.
Buried things are getting accidentally discovered and no telling what you might find when or if you come back. Better would be a long term storage facility with armed security and environmentally controlled interior.
Have you considered what would happen if someone else happens upon them?

I heard a story once about a guy who'd buried his guns in the woods. During the intervening years, the ground was leveled and subdivision was built. I can't verify the story, but that's a factor to consider.

There are plenty of long-term rental storage units out there.
Make sure you buy the cemetery plot first or someone might be digging there to bury a loved one. We have a cemetery close by where some guy has already put his headstone up with everything engraved on it except his date of death.

Now I wonder if there are guns burried there. :)

I would also recommend you sell them. If you come back five years from now, the property owner may not appreciate someone digging up his property. It almost sounds like you don't have two dimes to rub together as it is right now. So, I doubt you own the property where you will bury them.

During the Civil War, there were a few plantation owners who put their valuables (jewelery, silver, china and etc.) in the bottom of the water well to keep the Yankees from stealing it as they passed through. As another interesting side note, I have read where collectors search hundreds of year old property records like in NYC or Washington D.C. to find where old outhouses were located. They would dig there to find old bottles which were often discarded in the bottom.

My grandparents once lived in an fruit orchard and peacock farm outside of Clearwater, FL. The site is now a huge mall and parking lot.

Of course, we have all heard of preppers burying weapons along with a few folks getting ready to be sentenced to prison for a few years.
It would be on my parents property.

If i sold the .22 and shotgun i might be able to put everything in there crawlspace in house.
It would be my luck to come back and find a Wall-mart over my spot.

It would be my luck to come back and find a Wall-mart over my spot.

Have a great trip.....

Lemmon from Rural SC
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