Moving interstate


New member
I have a trust and awaiting to pick up my lower and suppressor from my dealer. Doing a little research I found that I have to fill out form 5320.20. If I'm wrong please correct me.

On question 4 on the form it asked for the items I will be transporting. I don't have the items because I am waiting approval.

Do I still fill this part out or leave it blank? Advice/recommendations...
If the items are in transfer, your dealer should have serial numbers for the guns and all other required info.

Get the required information from the dealer, put it on the form.

Perhaps a note to the ATF examiner that you will be picking these items up and bringing them home.
Are you moving before picking up the items? That would make you an out of state buyer, would it not? Never had exactly this situation so I'm asking.
I strongly suggest you call BATFE directly. If your application has an address that won't be current when you are approved, then your application is false since the suppressor will not be at the address on the applicaton.

I know about the long delays for approval, but it might be best if you withdraw the application and resubmit it after the move. Does the state into which you are moving allow suppressors? If so, there should be no problem, except for the delay and the nuisance, plus some extra charges for your current dealer transferring the item to a dealer in your new state.

If you got a CLEO sign-off (no trust) and moved to another state, you will need to notify BATFE and you will likely need another CLEO sign-off. There is a specific form you need to submit to BATFE when moving to another state; and I believe it requires a CLEO sign-off from your new county CLEO. This is not required for intrastate moves.
attila787 said:
Just to clarify I'm moving from Houston, TX to Fort Worth TX (interstate).
No, you're moving intrastate. An interstate move would mean you're moving from one state to another; whereas an intrastate move is what you're doing.
Years ago I purchased a submachine gun and a suppressor. During the approval process I bought a house and moved three blocks from the address where the items were originally listed as being located. For ten years I was blissfully ignorant of the fact that I should have gotten permission from the ATF to move the items in the first place, or at least should have informed them at that time that the items had been moved to another location

When I realized my error all kinds of horrible things came to mind - most of these centered around sitting in prison, paying huge fines, or having my "toy's confiscated.

Finally I called the main ATF office who handed me over to a very nice woman (who's name I can't remember) and I explained to her (in the most apologetic and contrite manner possible) the circumstances. She corrected the information and I followed up by sending her a letter or an ATF form. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was. Too bad that everything relating to purchasing/owning/selling NFA items isn't.
Just noticed your comment dajowi. If you move intrastate, you are not required to notify BATFE of the move although they do appreciate a courtesy letter advising them of the move. INTERSTATE moves do require a Form 20 be filed and approved PRIOR to moving.

Atilla787, I missed the fact that you have a trust. If you have a trust I believe you could go ahead and move, provided a trustee remains in the state to receive the weapon, and then you could file the form 20. Anyone catch this, and is that correct, that any trustee could pick up and hold the weapon pending approval of the form 20?