Moving from LA to TX with FL CCW permit


New member
This summer, I may be moving from Louisiana to Texas to get my Masters. I just got my Florida non-resident CCW permit, and I was wondering if it will become invalid when I move. Will I need to get a new FL permit (or TX), or just let them know of my change in residence?
If I remember correctly, if you change addresses you must notify the Florida Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs (or whatever it's called) of the change. For a nominal fee they will send you a new permit using your old information, and you may continue using the old one until the new one arrives. But, double check that before you start toting in Texas.

I'm sure it's a smoothe process, since I had researched it a few months ago when I was considering moving.
I'll ditto the above.

first you need to get florida to issue you a new permit with new address.

Handgun law us shows that Texas honors the Florida permit.... the only glitch is if you declair yourself a Texas resident, then I'm pretty sure you need to have a Texas permit.
if you declair yourself a Texas resident, then I'm pretty sure you need to have a Texas permit.
I'm 99% sure TX residents can carry on out-of-state non-resident permits.

YounGun24... you can read up on TX carry laws here:,,

Just make sure you know the laws. As I'm sure you know, you're responsible for following TX laws, even if you carry on a FL permit (although they're not hard to deal with, especially if you don't go anywhere like military bases).