Movies & guns


Staff Alumnus
Not sure if this belongs here or on legal but here goes. How is it that many actors/actresses are able to use weapons in movies/television after being convicted of abuse or something or checking into drug rehab programs? I thought mere possession of a firearm was illegal for felons and those convicted of spousal abuse. Does the BATF not go after them just because they are big names? Or is it because they find it easy to go after joe citizen because it wouldn't be in the public eye and they can make their stats look better? Just wondering.

Speculating I'd say the following:

They don't own the firearms used, aren't using live ammo, the firearms are controlled by the armorers and the firearms are gathered up and locked away each day and or during long breaks.

What I find more indicative is given the vast Hollywood anti-gun sentiment and the "studies" indicating action movies (esp guns and drug movies) contribute to societal can they justify their hypocracy? Action movies are not the only ones that make money ;).

I saw some show once where a similar question was lowballed to a prominent Hollywood type...the answer was that "the message shows that guns, drugs, whatever are an unhealthy and losing lifestyle". I was LMAO...most people see movies and analyze what went wrong with the characters' plans.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
A lot of times the guns used in movies are modified so heavily that they could never be made to fire real ammo ever again... Ever wonder how they fire an M-16 fully auto with blank ammunition? I did... Being an 11-B I know that a blank fired with out a "Blank adapter" gives you one very loud bang, but no cycling of the action... So when I then observed The movie hero going postal with an M-16 and no big red adapter on the end I said "hey, wait a sec..." The barrels are filled in with only a 2 MM bore... This gives plenty of back pressure to cycle the action and give you nice snarly muzzle flash :)
Most Movie guns are all set up that way... or if the gun isn't going to be fired... often there is the "stunt model" which is a solid resin cast of the gun, that looks real. We called them "Rubber Duckies" in basic training. We used them for D&C untill we grew from Magot stage and could be trusted in holding a real gun. Hollywood uses lots of rubber duckies for all the extras in many films.

Kenetic Defence Institute