Movie sound tracks


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Some of the old Spagetti Westerns had the weirdest shots!
The Movie Buffalo Bill has the most realistic BP shots! It actually had the Boom of BP shots!
I don't know how they filter the sounds but some really sound Phoney! There ought to be a decent sound library so'd moviemakers could choose...
In real life different things block sounds but nothing like the Movies!
Been a long time since I herd an AK 47 on semi auto!

I read years ago that the movie "Silverado" had made special efforts to record the firearms sounds.

Wish they would have made a special effort to make that movie at least somewhat accurate historically. But, it does have lots of guns in it anyway, so maybe only 1/2 a complaint.

Of course my favorite movie is The Outlaw Josey Wales. When I saw it in 1976 as a college student I didn't know anything about how a percussion revolver actually worked, never even saw one until sometime in the 80's or so. Never put it together that everything was wrong, just loved the movie.

It would be great to have a movie that good and include the proper percussion revolvers and their proper usage. Wow, might make the universe implode or something if Hollywood actually got it right.
It would be great to have a movie that good and include the proper percussion revolvers and their proper usage. Wow, might make the universe implode or something if Hollywood actually got it right.
The Quick and the Dead has a glorious little scene of an older gunfighter carefully loading a percussion LeMat.
He's even got a bullet mold in the gun case. Bless 'em.
There ought to be a decent sound library so'd moviemakers could choose
They have been round for ever. I had a set on LP records & later one on CD's. It's a bit more complicated than people think. For example most of the sounds were recorded multiple times with very slightly different times so you could synch to the visuals.
Many sounds don't record well either so they actually sound better faked than real. That's what "Foley" is, the art of faking sounds with odd things to sound "right" when the original records poorly.
More info here:
It would be great to have a movie that good and include the proper percussion revolvers and their proper usage.

Try "Ride with the Devil"
Many sounds don't record well either so they actually sound better faked than real.

That's true. Ever watched a newsreel with gunfire? It comes out as little pops.
That's mostly automatic volume control in the ENG cameras. It senses high volume & mutes, a bit like electronic earmuffs.

I did a documentary of the waterfall trails in South Wales years back. To be really authentic we used separate tape decks to record the audio & synched it later. On playback it sounded really wishy washy, nothing like the actual roar of a big waterfall up close. One in particular was tough as you can walk round behind the falling water. After 3 attempts to record differently all failed we actually used the sound of faucets running into a 1/2 full bathtub & it sounded better than the original.:p
Looks like when we get lucky and hear it right we should clap!
I wonder what they do on video games?
Guess it really dosen't matter there!
Naybe we real shooters ask for too much?