Movie Rentals Covers

Futo Inu

New member
Renting a movie Sat night: Was going through what looked to be some good action films, even one by an outfit called "LEO Films" - Hmmm, but kept putting them back on the shelf because the actors all had their fingers IN the trigger guard - thought I'd wait for one that didn't on the theory the gunplay within might be more realistic. After about 3 times of this, I started looking around - EVERY SINGLE actor on EVERY SINGLE cover who is holding a gun has their stinkin stupid finger on the trigger in the trigger guard! No wonder hollywood types are so bent around the axle about AD's - if everyone took their cues from these movies, people would be ADing all over the damn place - pathetic.
1st and most important reaction: They are just movies.

2nd marketing guy reaction: The pictures on the covers are usually not supposed to be "poses", but action shots from the movie itself. It is reasonable to believe that when you look at a cover you are seeing a snapshot of that character "in action".. where it would be okay to have a finger on the trigger.
I've seen several movie posters that look like they superimposed the gun, after the fact. One, staring Dolf Lungren, shows him holding an AR-15 with the magazine inserted upside down (the green follower is visible). On closer inspection, it looks like they cut-and-pasted the AR-15 over a pistol to make him look really tough.
Rob, I can appreciate what you're saying, but so many of the covers show a fellow with his gun at Weaver ready, or his pistol pointing up in the air, or at "port arms," with his finger in the trigger guard. These are not fighting poses, but are to show that this man is armed, and here he is at the ready.

This stuff is insidious, in that it teaches the uninformed some really, really bad habits. As we've so often said on this board, it is a uniquely American trait to equate ownership with expertise. Thus, many do it "just like on Lethal Weapon!" (gawd alone knows how many Beretta 9mm's that one sold...)

While any one of the 4 Cardinal Rules will prevent a tragedy, we should not lightly suffer the ready portrayal of the constant violation of even one of these, especially by characters that are representing "experts." With all of the money spent on sets and actors and props, what would it take to have an advisor on the set? At $45k a year, he'd be the least-paid guy on the set, and yet most of us on this board would gladly leap at the job; imagine getting *paid* to talk about and shoot those kinds of guns every day!!!


Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?
The sorry part about movies/TV is that some people mimic what they see because it appeared on the silver screen/boob tube. The one hand hold with the weapon held up at an angle near the head is known as the "Single Handed Sabrina Hold" (after Charlie's Angle). The similar two handed hold (you guessed it) is the "Two Handed Sabrina Hold." Shooting stances varies, depending on what was viewed.

About the only good thing is that some BGs take it seriously and they're marksmanship leaves something to be desired. The bad part is that aspiring LEOs do too and have to be corrected repeatedly at the range. Funny, but my experience leads me to believe that novice women shooters seem to learn a lot quicker than men. They don't have to be broken of any bad habits.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Kodiac's Vid-Rental Rule of Thumb:
The greater the percentage of cover space a gun takes up, or the number of guns vs the number of actors (Undercover Blues as example) on the covers is disproportional to the quality of the movie. Along with the name David Dudicov (or something like that) or a Buck Toothed blond guy named Busse. Avoid those movies at all cost.

But like all rules, there are exceptions...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited July 27, 1999).]
Kodiac- I think you mean Michael Dudicoff (sorry, not sure of spelling of last name) of "American Ninja" parts I thru 124....
His movies stink!

Also, an additional rule: avoid any movie that has the brother of a big star as the leading actor in it! (ex: Stallone, Swayze, etc...)