Movie gun question


Last night I watched the movie Starship Troopers. I could not help but notice some very interesting rifles, they looked like some kind of bullpup, over/under, hybrid thing. Do these rifles actually exist or were they simply movie props? Dose anyone know who made them?
That is just a Muzzlelite Bullpup stock on a mini-14 modified a little. watch the movie Total Recall,they are in this as well.while they look futuristic they are flimsy plastic stocks :(there is a post about them in the rifles forum if you want to know more.
Not Muzzlelite, but similar - lots of fiberglass shell there... One of the worst movieguns lately...
Nothing beats the good old M41A1 from Aliens.

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Speaking of movie guns , any of you guys see the Matrix? The Israeli Desert Eagle pistol that the agent uses rocks. I've read they come in .357, .44 and .50 . I don't even own a handgun yet, but now I have an idea on which one I want! :-)
I'm watching that movie with Michael Richards right now, where he's an actor who has to stand in for his uptight lawyer friend at trial. His uptight lawyer friend, of course, is re-examining his life. The way he's doing this, is that the local waitress has taken him out to a dump where people leave old toilets. She likes to go there, apparently, when she feels down or uptight, to shoot toilets.
The great part is, she just let him try the guns. He doesn't "believe in" guns, but he tries it and gets rolling 'cause he's pissed. He got THIRTEEN shots out of a Winchester 1300 Defender!! And this after the woman had to pump it once to chamber the first round . . ..


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron

Man, you had to go and put magnum research's address out there. I'm drooling over ever picture that I have now saved to my hard drive. I've been truly begging my wife to let me get a Desert Eagle, but it's always, "We can't afford it right now." She's promised me for 2 years now to get one for either my birthday or X-mas. Haven't seen it yet.

Your post has reignited a passion and I'm sure my wife would have words with you. LOL

Sorry to get off of the original post guys.

Unicron--the M41 can only be topped by the SmartGun.

Peace Through Superior Firepower!

Speaking of the Matrix--what were those huge pistols Neo/Keaunu Reeves was firing that were dropping .223 casings? (Rewind/FF to the firefight scene in the dark marble lobby).
Speaking of movie guns, how about THE MUMMY. American hero fans 12 rounds fron a Colt Single Action Army. Hey! Where can I get one of those?
Paul B.
The gun was a fiberglass shell over a stainless Ruger AC556 (note it was full auto). I think they only had a few functional guns in that movie and the rest were rubber dummies. The only other gun I noted was the Browning M2 which was in the tower (remember the critter attack on the fort they were defending?). Finally, there was a sniper version of the gun with a longer barrel and a scope. Funny thing about the regular guns, they had a carrying handle but no sights. Anybody know where I can get one of those fiberglass shells for my Mini14?

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I believe those machine pistols in The Matrix were Skorpion CZ-61s or VZ-61s. Not sure how to tell the difference between them. They shoot .32ACP though, not .223 :)
The Real Question about THE MATRIX is this:

Can you ID EACH GUN shown on the film?

If you answer YES, then:

How many of those guns have you either FIRED or personally OWNED?


I'm at 100% ID and Fired :) but about 50% on the ownership :(

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac
Well then George, your the guy to ask. The Matrix is one of my favorite movies, but I don't know many guns outside the ones I own.

1. What shotguns were the lobby cops using?
2. What was it like to shoot a minigun?
3. Were the actors' shooting technique consistent with the weight and kick of the guns they were using?

Not being a wise-acher (took me time to remember a synonym for SA..heh heh) , I know you know your guns. :)
