Mother of Columbine victim kills self in pawn shop

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Mother of Columbine victim kills self inpawn shop
By Colleen Slevin Associated Press, 10/22/99

DENVER -- The mother of a student wounded in the Columbine High Schoolmassacre walked into a suburban pawn shop Friday, asked to see a handgun,loaded it and killed herself with a shot to the head.

Carla June Hochhalter's suicide occurred about six months after her 17-year-old daughter, Anne Marie, was critically wounded in the April 20 tragedy and left partially paralyzed.

It was not immediately known what other factors might have contributed to Ms. Hochhalter's suicide.

Ms. Hochhalter, 48, entered the Alpha Pawn Shop in Englewood alone about 10 a.m. Friday and asked to see a .38-caliber handgun.

When a clerk turned around to fill out paperwork, Ms. Hochhalter loaded the weaponwith her own ammunition, then fired one round that hit the wall and a secondround into her head, Englewood police spokeswoman Leticia Castillo said.

Ms. Castillo said Ms. Hochhalter left a note, but she did not know the contents.
"I'm absolutely horrified," said Steve Cohn, parent of a 15-year-old Columbinestudent who survived the library assault. "We've been under a lot of stress recentlybut what do you do?"

"This pain and suffering is not fair. We do not understand it," said JeffersonCounty District Attorney Dave Thomas. "All we can do is share it with theHochhalters and others in the community."

The suicide was the latest shock for students and families in the Columbine area.Jefferson County School District officials planned to have grief counselorsavailable this weekend to help deal with any trauma.

A student was arrested this week for allegedly threatening "to finish the job" begun by two student gunmen at Columbine.
In addition, CBS-TV was criticized by some in the community for broadcasting a snippet of the security camera videotape that was taken in the school cafeteria as themassacre unfolded.

Eric Harris, 18, and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold scattered gunfire and bombs at theschool near Englewood, killing 12 students and a teacher and wounding about 26 others. Then they committed suicide.

Miss Hochhalter suffered injuries to her spinal cord, back and chest when the gunmen fired at her in the parking lot. She moved her legs for the first time lastweek.
Now a senior, she is taking a physics class at Columbine while a tutor teaches therest of her courses at home.
AP-ES-10-22-99 2010EDT
What a shame...

The dummies that run that pawn shop (and LOTS of others) need to secure the weapon so they can't be fired.. DUHH... All it takes is a $.25 flex cuff to make it impossible to shoot..

In CA, we've had plenty of robbers come into gun and pawn shops with their own ammo and pick up a gun to 'look' at and then the robbery or murder is committed !

Is it me, or is 99% of the population DEVOID of common sense ?

All I can say is Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupid !
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