Mother In Law and CCW Violations

Mike H

New member
My wife and her mother recently went on one of those Thelma and Louise (or Thelma and King Kong) road trips from my MIL's home in south Pa to her sisters in Maryland. My wife doesn't shoot (much) but her mom is CCW in Pa and occasionally packs a .38 snub Rossi in her purse. They travelled through West Virg into Maryland, Kong packed all the way, a fact only discovered by my wife when she threw her mothers purse onto the back seat only to have her shriek "my God, there's a gun in there be careful". I just wondered how many felony/misdemeanour violations she committed during that trip, any thoughts. BTW, Kong issues CHL's at the local Sheriffs office for a living and when not swatting planes on the Empire State Building supplies me with quite a few interesting CCW stories obtained from her LEO cohorts.

Mike H
Mike H:

I dont really know what to say. You see, right now I have these images of my own MIL banging around in my head. Kong? Sounds....unusual to say the least.

My own MIL thinks me some sort of apocolyptic psycho (although she never directly implies so) for even having my CCW in the first place. But as I am not married to her, don't live with her and don't sleep with her (shudder..shudder...spit) I tend not to care for the most part.

I'd hate to imply what laws Kong violated, excluding possibly the crossing of non-reciprocal state boundries. Interesting to note though that as she does issue permits, she also continues to pack across those state lines and, as you seem to imply, disregards other laws in order to continue to exercise her option to carry. While not legally sound it is a curious fact.

Maybe a few rds. from a .50 BMG would curb that nasty plane swatting habit! Good luck.
A few years ago my wife drove my mother to the airport. When she hastily exited the car, mom grabbed the wrong purse. Yep! It contained a loaded .38. When my wife got home she suddenly realized what had happened and we drove back to the airport with all due haste.
Meanwhile, the whole place went on red alert because a 90 year old woman walked up to a security guard and asked him what she should do with the gun in one of the two purses she carried.
Luckily, he told her to check it under my wife's name and he put her on her flight. But I still get cold chills thinking what might have happened.
After we claimed the purse with the gun, we were "tailed" by a security car until we drove onto the Interstate.
Hi, Mike,

I have heard many lawyers say no one is guilty of anything until there has been a conviction in court. So, your MIL didn't do anything.

This bears out what I have said many times. If you carry with discretion, don't look like a druggie, and don't do moving violations, your chances of being caught are about nil, at least for whites. For a young black man, things could be different, no matter what the cops say.

This reminds me of a friend of mine. She was telling me (she is about 40) how she liked her Colt 38 revolver. She was telling me she packed it everywhere, Tenn, Indian , WASHINGTON D.C !! I about fell over. She just said " Only an idiot would walk in DC without a gun " I told he they would still be feeding her scraps of bread and bits of water in a 4X4 cell if she had been caught. She never even thought about the laws changing, after all she had a CCDW in Kentucky.

Mike H;

Saying this with all respect; Don't know her, never meet her, but Mom Kong sounds like she is my kind of women....I woundn't argue with her that's for sure...

I once had an old Arizona DPS officer tell me when he was on the beat he would never take a gun away from a women carry in her purse. He didn't want to be responsible for unarming her just before she was attacked and he was down the road somewhere and couldn't protect her. Of course times have changed and Arizona, in part, is still a cowboy state....

Please tell Kong I think she is a cool lady.

Best Regards.....
"Train as You Live and Live as You Train"
Can't resist passing along a little story here about my missus.

About a year after CHL came to God's country my wife was involved in a little auto accident ( not her fault - just happened to be involved as a third party minor bump with no damage to her car). Young LEO ( she said he looked about 15 but was probably a little older) came to the scene and in the process of his investigation asked to see her driver's liscense. Being the lawabidng citizen she was she also showed him her CHL. She said she never saw such a startled look on anyone's face before. She figured he had never seen one before, especially, not one on a late 50's female.

After the initial shock was over he asked her if she was armed. She said she was. He looked inside her car and saw my mid 80's mother, my mid 70's mother-in-law and my mid 20's daughter. He asked if they were armed also. My wife said she didn't know but she hoped so since all three had their newly issued CHL's. She said he handed back her driver's liscense and CHL with a smile and said, "Ma'm you folks best go on, you've got me way outgunned".

She still gets a kick out of trying to describe the look on his face. Made her day and probably his too.

I think your MIL has the exact right idea. Better to take your fate in your own hands than surrender to stupid regulations.
Just a little something about carrying in Washington, DC, since someone mentioned it above. You will get in more trouble for having one round of ammo on you (felony)than having 1.5 grams of cocaine(misdemeanor). Now don't you feel safer when you walk through southeast DC knowing that?
BTW-the Socialist Republic of Maryland really frowns on self protection, too.
I agree with Jim Keenan, if you keep your nose clean and avoid doing anything stupid, chances are you will never be caught. I have a friend that regularly carries in DC and Maryland, as his job requires him to go to some unsavory places. He has been doing this for many years, and has never had any problem. Now I would never violate the law and do such a thing, but my friend does.
I helped my MIL and SIL both get their carry
permits and firearms this past summer.

ff the 2nd. No fate but what we make.

HECK NO ! don't forget she's armed and deadly with both bananas and cutting remarks at 20 paces. We shoot together at her local range occasionally (I joined she goes as my "guest") when I borrow a local friends PT-99. She can't shoot worth a hoot, fires high on everything and she gives me the Rossi at night when we stop over. My son in law duties include cleaning, ammo selection and purchase. As stated previously she issues CHL's in her local county and told me a story recently about a young woman who noticed her CHL had expired and came to the court to renew it, she checked her weapon at security and was asked what her visit was for, when she told them, they threw her in a cell and hauled her up in front of the judge later that day. Result - fine, criminal record and bye bye to her CCW days and rapist repellant forever, I thought Pa had it right, looks like I was mistaken.

Mike H
Mike H

I hate hearing stories like that, as they confirm the ongoing Death of Common Sense in this country, especially among those inside of government. What a waste of court resources and what an un-just outcome.
