Mostly big boars

Old Stony

New member
Lately most of the hogs I've killed have just been big nasty boars. All the good eating stuff seems to be hiding somewhere I guess. Got this guy a couple nights ago.
Another big boar

This guy came into a feeder about 2:00 this morning. I had been waiting for him since 8:00, so it made for a long night. I shot him where I normally try to hit, through the front shoulder near the neck, but got just a little bit low. It put both front legs out of commission and he went right down, but came back up again in about a minute and started jumping maybe 3 or 4 feet into the air using his hind legs and heading for the wooded cover nearby. I've never seen a hog jump that high! I got one more pill into him as he was aerial, but he made it into the woods....just not very far.
Crusty old bugger!
I've been having a similar problem. Big stinky boars everywhere, but few sows. I did finally get a shot at a big sow, but she made it 50 yards into a big tangle of undergrowth, and she was so big I couldn't get her out of there. Then the grandson showed up for a weekend, and I put him where the hogs have been feeding on my corn. I heard the shot, and he walked out to tell me he got a medium sized female. When we went out to collect it, I noticed that, for a girl, she had some serious testicles. And stinky smelling. Well, the grandson is a starving college student, so we took the blackstrap and deboned the hindquarters and let the meat drain for 2 days in ice and salt. I had recently been told by a real crusty ol gal hog hunter that the approach would make the meat good to eat. After the second day, my wife cooked some of the backstrap on the grill, and it had NO gamey flavor. So, if your boar weighs under 150 pounds or so, try the ice and salt. We've only done it the one time, so maybe I just got lucky, but I will try it again.
Yep, that's a gnarly hog.

Have not killed a sow in several weeks. i kill a big boar about every second time out. They usually run 50-150 yards and die. i don't try to find them at night.

i did take the hams and back straps off a fat boar that died under the feeder.