Most pro-gun area in the U.S.


New member
If you could live anywhere in the country and the only thing you cared about was gun rights, where would you live? Some of the worst places would probably be California, New York, and Washington D.C.

I am talking about easily getting a CCW permit, being able to defend your life and property without being treated as a criminal, etc.
I would guess VERMONT, You don't need a CCW there, none are issued, you just carry.

Now if they could do something about the winters. LOL

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
A buddy of mine who moved to Arizona from Vermont (and is back there now) said that Vermont is a liberal hell-hole and the only reason they have both open carry and concealed carry without a permit is because the Vermont Supreme Court could not mangle the very clear language of the Constitution and the law. Vermont has essentially one gun law, paraphrasing, "It shall be legal to carry a weapon except in the commission of a crime." So simple. So little space taken up in the statute books. But the liberals are hard at work trying to muck things up. Just you wait.

My friend says that he occassionally will carry openly in certain areas knowing that he will be harassed by Vermont police who often ask (demand), "Why are you carrying a gun?"
He politely gets right back in their faces and holds his ground. He's funny that way.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
Well heck, I might as well nominate Arizona. When we told our governor, Jane Hull that the Arizona Dept. of Transportation had illegally installed signs at rest stops telling people that their guns must stay in the car, we had a massive radio campaign.

Not only did she order the signs down at the rest stops, but she ordered the "No Weapons" signs (actually a request to check the weapons during the visit) at the statehouse down she had the magnetometers and the X-ray machines removed as "too intrusive."

My God. What about security? On one of the Governor's assistant's put a sign up near her office door which reads, "Protected by Smith & Wesson."

I have carried openly in the State House many times. If they tell me no guns are allowed I tell them they may check my weapon during the visit or allow me to pass. Many officers don't know the law (or pretend not to) but that IS the law.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
I'll have to say I'm pretty happy right where I'm at here in NC. I'm allowed Concealed carry and machineguns, live 15 miles from nowhere, and have my own shooting range in my backyard.
Besides, everyone I know within 5 miles is armed, and needless to say crime is almost non-existant.(at least around here) ;)

Happiness is a tight group!
Funny how crime and the presence of armed victims have an inverse relation. My guess would have been for Arizona or Vermont. Given the choice I'd choose AZ. simply b/c of climate and its further away from that liberal hell hole of the east coast. Ever wonder why the coastlines are so densely packed with liberal know it alls??? There is a joke in there somewhere, I just cant come up with one. TX is not bad, not all that great, but better than some. Getting a license involves $$. Although living in "Moscow on the Colorado", aka Austin, The stench of liberalism does often begin to make one want to vomit.
Crime in Phoenix is pretty good considering that it is the 6th largest city in the country and the fastest growing county in the nation.

Our violent crime rate is low in the surrounding areas of metro Phx but in the heart of the southern end of Phx lies an area where meth-labs, drug smuggling, and illegal alien smuggling come together. It makes for a hot soup. Remove that area of our community and you have Mayberry, albeit at a faster pace.

Now, if you legalized drugs as they were in 1912, and allowed Mexicans to come into the country on work visas, well, hey, the crime rate would be near zip.

This is your criminology lesson for the day.


"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American." Tench Coxe 2/20/1788
I live in AZ.At this time it is a fairly good place to own firearms.It is changeing fast.We have had a massive influx of liberals the majority from CA.They seem to want to make AZ into what the just excaped from.I don't understand the mentality.Why change AZ to CA when they could have just stayed home.
ps-We are allso loseing a lot of our places to shoot.
Is there any place that is getting better? Or is the whole country turning anti-gun? Thanks for the replies.
I heard that in Idaho, my home state, the legislature debated introducing a bill to allow teachers to carry guns at school.

Idaho is pretty good overall. Too many "Cals," as my dad calls them, moving in but still not too bad. About the only restriction on Concealed Carry is that you can't carry in a bar if you're drinking. Stick to soda and you're fine.
Georgia ain't bad except for losing open carry without a permit when the CCW passed about twenty years ago.

Byron Quick
I think that Wyoming is a good choice; open carry, five year CCW for $50, and reciprocity with other states when the permit is issued by a state agency. Oh, and the climate keeps most of the Califas out.
I like GA. But in Savannah where I used to stay we also had the problem of Northeastern Liberials coming down and trying to make Savannah just like the hell hold they just left.

The new guy.

"I'm totin, this pistol because my dang SKS won't fit in my holster"
I second Hank's choice of Wyoming, for all his reasons AND the fact that LE seems to overwhelmingly believe in the Second Amendment. Gun buybacks do not exist in Wyoming; it ain't right! The knife laws are also very agreeable (almost nonexistent).
Pennsylvania is an island of sanity in the sewer known as the Northeast. We have shall issue CCW, administered by elected county sheriffs. A ccw is good for 5 yrs and the cost is $19.00. Yes, $19.00.It says right on the permit, Reason for carrying-Personal Protection.We have over one million licensed hunters, and several million gun owners, with
untold milloins of guns in the state.Just accross the Delaware River lie NY and NJ, they might as well be another country for all that they have in common with us in PA.
From what I understand, it is a felony in PA to carry a concealed gun without a permit. And what about The City of Brotherly Love and its Home Rule status which replaces state law? What about the poor SOB who travels through PA and is from a state that doesn't issue CCW? What about his Right to Life?
I'd say Arizona.

Doc Mac;
What ever happened to Metzenbaum? How could a big anti-gunner like that come from a pro gun state like Pensilvania? I'm sure glad that jerk is gone!

As to California, there are a lot of flakes here that think nothing of denying us our gun rights. They come mostly from the two largest cities of LA and San Francisco. San Francisco is the Sadam & Gammora city of the US and has given us the likes of Feinstien B. Boxer and special rights for homosexuals.

None-the-less, most of California's population has migrated here from other parts of the country. I guess you boys from other states are kicking them out and sending them here. Good for you, bad for me. Quit doing that, will ya! ;-)

Personally, I like this state because of its geography and weather, I hate it because of it politics. Ever notice how most large, major cities are anti-gun and filled with liberals? Why is that?

Not all of California is a bastion of liberalizm. There has been a movement for many years now to split the state in half and create two states. Northern California wants its own government because they are sick and tired of the two larget cities of LA and San Francisco making all the rules and imposing their edicts on them. It seeks to create the new state of North California. Hey! There are still a lot of good people here who want to get away from all the Hollywood, socialist liberals who would tell you how to live your life and what you can't and can own!

[This message has been edited by Frank Haertlein (edited November 24, 1999).]