Most expensive AND useless product found

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cornered rat

Pre-fragmented Mag-Safe 22-grain rounds for 25acp! $15 for six rounds. Yeah, that's the ticket, less penetration in .25

I ican just see someone selling those:

"It has lots of pellets in epoxy, just like a 12 gauge rounds. Goat tests showed that, if you are ever attacked by a satyr, you have 77% chance of a one shot stop" Joe Blow buys the six pack, never tests it (at $2.59 per round, of course) and finds later that it doesn't cycle after the one in the tube mildly annoys the target.
I was watching an old episode of COPS the other day while working and saw a guy that had been shot point blank in the chest with a .25 by his brother. The bullet came just short of penetrating his last layer of skin near the shoulderblade, so you could see it just barely poking out of his back. The cops had a tough time getting him to sit down for the paramedics because he was up and walking about, wrestling with anyone who was trying to help, quite enraged at the discomfort he was experiencing. Other than some pain and a whole lotta anger, no disabling problems. The paramedics were not in any hurry, as the chest wound didn't seem to be life threatening.

Why again would someone carry this round?

[This message has been edited by DWM (edited October 02, 1999).]
I heard somewhere that the .25 ACP fails in 70% of suicide attempts. On the other hand, we lost a police officer here a couple of years ago to a single shot from a 25. I've decided not to take any "scientific" ballistics tests overly seriously.
To paraphrase Jeff Cooper:

Don't carry a .25 auto. If you do, you might shoot at someone. If you shoot at someone, you might hit them. If you hit them they will get mad and do you great harm.
No, It isn't much, but I still wouldn't volunteer to stand in front of one when it went off.

I too saw someone get shot with .25acp. He took it in the hamstring, went right through and didn't find the bullet. He was ticked off that it put a hole through a new pair of pants. I'm thinking that this fellow may have ingested "Painkillers" earlier. :)

I remember a police report I read a long time ago about an attempted murder.

The perp walked up behind his wife while she was cooking breakfast and emptied a .25 auto into the back of her head. She turned around and beat him to death with a hot skillet. The .25 bullets just put a large not on her skull. I guess He did not like the ways she was cooking his eggs.She sure cooked his goose though.

Another long time friend of the famliy was an infantryman is Korea. He will sear by the close range effectiveness of his baby Browning .25. In hand to hand fighting after being bayonetted he killed two NKR with it.

There is nothing certian in life but you will not get out alive.


Yes, rat, but what you don't understand is that the magsafe bullets, being pre-fragmented, will transfer all of their energy to the BG, thereby knocking him back some 3 or 4 feet, giving you time to get away. ;)
Most expensive & useless would have to be the Leopard tanks delivered to the Australian Army in the mid 80's.
Came with the Instructions in German & they still can't cross over our 2 main bridges here in Brisbane 'cause the're TOO HEAVY !
Bwahahahahahaha.... :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"
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I know a guy here in Waynesboro who was shot 7 times with a .25. He's still alive and kicking but he spent three months in the hospital. I also have seen people DOA in the ED after being shot with one round of this.

I've got one but no longer carry it. Always planned to empty it if I used it.

Byron Quick
I remember reading about a guy who was such a failure that he decided to commit suicide with his trusty .25.
He put it to his temple and pulled the trigger. The bullet penetrated his scalp and passed over the top of his head between the skull and scalp, exited on the other side where it blew off the top of his ear.
Still a failure. Bummer!

Better days to be,

IMO, I'd rather carry a .22 than a .25 ACP. Rounds are cheaper, meaning more practice. The guns are usually newer, and have one or two more rounds in the clip. Of course, I wouldn't feel well armed with either round. If I had to carry a .22 my plan would be to aim at the nose and fire til dry. -Kframe
All depends on how lucky you are.Shooting here about 6 months ago.One shot with a .25,the round hit his collarbone went down and cut a main artery.He bleed to death.He lived long enough to put a .45 roung between the other persons eyes.Viva .45!

An ex-Sheriff's deputy told me a story once about a .25 (backed up by a co-worker). One of the local thugs (they told me his name, but I can't recall it) got into a fight with another "gentleman" in a bar. The gentleman pulled a .25, to which the thug responded "That gun ain't big enough to stop me." The "gentleman" emptied the .25 into him (6 shots, but no vital hits), then the thug hung a ferocious beating on him.

Guess who was out of the hospital first?

Moral: If you're going to carry a weapon, know how to use it.
Me and a cop friend came up with the proper procedure for using ANY .25 ACP pistol as a defense piece:

1. Remove magazine from gun.

2. Cycle weapon once and empty the chamber.

3. Throw gun at bad guy.
Hey HS!

I'll give ya $50 (US) per Leopard and I'll pick up the freight cost. Don't care if they're Leopard I or IIs either.


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
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