MOST Distressing News!

Ed Brunner

New member
Two callers to Rush today cited a Turkish/Serb report of 18 or 19 US Military bodies being shipped in coffins. They were apparently being smuggled out through Macedonia and Turkey on their way to the USA. The report was complete with US officer escorts.
What troubles me is that I had heard very reliable sources discussing casualties in Bosnia in the past.
If this can be confirmed and if this is another lie he has told us I can see his support fading.But then Who knows?

Better days to be,

Not sure if its true...the only "non-hearsay" source I've found is this and its from the Serb Info service, The Ministry of it could be PR on the Serbs part to whip up national pride, impress its allies and symps, and put the US on the defensive.
I'll post the article cuz the website is hinky

The first 19 bodies of the American
soldiers transported home
April 04, 1999

Athens, April 3 (Tanjug - abridged) -
The first 19 bodies of the American
soldiers are secretly transported from
Macedonia to Thessalonika from where
are being transported to their homes in
America at the metal coffins, Greek
paper ''Athinaiki'' says.

The coffins were discovered accidently
in a routine check by Macedonian

The newspaper from Athens says at its
first page that the bodies went through Skoplje and reached
the Military Hospital number 424 in Thessalonika completely
secretly and in the exhort of the officers where are prepared
for the further transportation.

''Athinaiki'' stresses that the bodies of 12 American soldiers
arrived in Thessalonika on Wednesday first and that they have
already transported to the USA. The next seven bodies was
transported to the Greek harbor on Thursday from where they
should be transported across the ocean today.

Stressing that the Greek authorities claim that they do not
know a thing considering this case ''Athinaiki'' says that the
USA are bond to the ''law of silence'' as in the Whitman and
Iraq and that they will announce their losts later on when it is
the most adequate to themselves.

Skoplje, April 4 - Macedonian customs officials said on Sunday
that 19 coffins with bodies of U.S. soldiers killed in NATO's
criminal aggression on Yugoslavia had passed through
Macedonia en route to Greece.

The report in the Greek newspaper Athinaiki is true, "because
we personally saw the bodies of dead soldiers in the coffins,"
said Macedonian customs officials, speaking on condition of

They added that they saw the bodies when they opened the
coffins in line with the regulations at one of the border
crossings to Greece, whose name was not disclosed for
obvious reasons.

They could give no more details, saying only that there were
two shipments - of 12 and 7 coffins, respectively - escorted by
a number of U.S. officers.

The customs officials could not say which route the vehicles
carrying the coffins had taken through Macedonia before
reaching the border crossing to Greece.

They said, however, that the "coffins were in containers" and
that they were "taken over by Greek policemen" on the Greek
side of the border.

The dates mentioned in the Greek newspaper are also true,
because they were the dates the coffins crossed the
Macedonian-Greek border, the customs officials said. "

I did a search of the Greek newspaper
There was no mention of dead US soldiers in any of the last 6 (April1-April6) issues.

Athinaiki is the Athens News Agency (cited above) and I found no references either
Found this brief statement:
"But two papers focused on putative US casualties, with Mitsis' Adesmeftos Typos
reporting 7 American corpses in Thessaloniki and Athinaiki's multiplication bringing
that to The first 19 dead Americans in Thessaloniki, which is where the casualties
were supposedly transported."

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"

[This message has been edited by DC (edited April 06, 1999).]
For what it's worth the only article I could find on this was as follows:

Macedonian Press Agency: Brief News in English, 99-04-05


Thessaloniki, April 5 (MPA)

Serbian press reports claiming that the bodies of U.S. servicemen killed in Yugoslavia were recently transported to Thessaloniki are unfounded and extremely dangerous, according to the spokesperson of Greece’s General Army Staff.
The Serb television station has reported that customs officials at the Greece-FYROM border have claimed 19 coffins containing the mortal remains of US servicemen have been transported to Greece from FYROM through a border guardhouse.
Speaking to the Macedonian Press Agency, the General Army Staff spokesperson in Thessaloniki Stamatis Lazarou has categorically denied reports of US military coffins being transferred in Thessaloniki and stressed that such reports can actually create problems in Greece’s relations with its neighboring countries. Meanwhile, customs officials at the Evzonon border station also refute the same reports.
It may just be me, and it may just be that I'm a cynic. But when I read "categorically denied" a red flag goes up. "Fair share" and "for the children" also trigger the same red flag.

A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined;
George Washington Jan 8,1790--There can be no doubt about the Second Amendment.
Sounds seriously fishy to me. If the US wanted to sneak bodies out of the theater, they'd put them on a transport plane and fly them to a US base in Germany or Italy. They wouldn't load them on trucks and ship them through Greek customs.

The Bears and Bear Maulings Page:
Funny you should say that. That's exactly how it's done when nobody's trying to be sneaky!
Having been a member of a body escort detail, I can guarantee you that NO ONE ever takes possesion of US servicemen cadavers except other US servicemen. Even within the US, the Escort detail is PERSONALLY responsible for loading and unloading of bodies on US commercial transport.
This whole article sounds like the purest BS to me.
I don't mind reading lies in the News, (I've gotten used to it mostly.) but I wish they'd make an effort to be convincing.

Your mind is your primary weapon.
Ken; You are absolutely right and I expect it is still the same. What is sad is that I have so little respect for the Commander in Chief that I am willing to believe that he might conceal something like this.
Having attended too many military funerals I know how sacred it is but I dont think oldslick has a clue.

Better days to be,
